Saturday, December 03, 2022

Planned Parenthood executive director claims children are born 'sexual' - and advocates porn literacy lessons for older students and sex education from KINDERGARTEN


Executive director of Planned Parenthood's Center for Sex Education located in New Jersey, Bill Taverner, said 'we are all sexual beings from birth to death' 
Taverner has also been advocating for porn literacy for certain age groups as well as comprehensive sex education for kindergarten to 12th grade students 
While Taverner agrees that 'a lot of [porn] is wrong' but added that there is 'good stuff out there' as well 
The sexuality education advocate said he 'never wanted pornography to be the primary source of sex education' but 'instruction needs to adapt' 
The comments have been slammed on social media some describing the beliefs as 'incredibly vile' and 'pedophile thinking'



revereridesagain said...

PP is a disaster area. But at least they think women are human beings with rights.

Anonymous said...

No. They think women are there to service men, and then they will provide the abortion when the sperm donor disappears. Planned Parenthood allows men to behave badly, and then abandon the woman.

Our taxes pay for this nonsense.