Monday, June 19, 2023

McGROOMIES: McDonald's Is Now Transgender, Proclaiming Outright They Don't Want Your Business

McDonald's mascot Grimace has become a LGBTQ+ icon after being resurrected for a new campaign during Pride month. 
The fast food chain's first purple milkshake was presented in early June for the purple character's 52nd birthday and then appeared on the menu on June 12. 
Grimace has taken over McDonald's social media accounts, posting: 'wanna come 2 my party???? finally got my own grimace meal and purple shake.'


revereridesagain said...


Actual boy.

thelastenglishprince said...

I wanted a double cheeseburger today. But I chose not to purchase anything from Mickey D's.

Leave our kids alone!

Pastorius said...

I won't be eating at McGroomies ever again.