Saturday, December 09, 2023

Banks Flagged Joe Biden’s Home Address with ‘Suspicious Activity’ Reports 6 Times: Report

A sitting Republican senator with years of experience investigating the family of President Joe Biden said Thursday that a number of banks reported suspicious financial activity at the president’s home in Wilmington, Delaware.

Banks filed Suspicious Activity Reports, known as SARS in the industry, at least six times, flagging “about $12 million in transactions over several years,” Sen. Ron Johnson said on “Just the News, No Noise.”

Later in the interview, Johnson said that the $12 million figure was an estimate, and might include some double counting.

The reports were connected with Hunter Biden’s overseas affairs, and “raised concerns about possible criminal activity involving money laundering or human trafficking,” according to Just the News‘ report on Johnson’s interview.

Johnson, the senior Republican on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in the Democrat-controlled Senate, told the show that the SARS flagged Joe Biden’s Delaware address, where he allowed his son to stay and through which at least some of that money reportedly flowed.

Johnson apparently had no direct evidence that Joe Biden was aware of any of his son’s business dealings, but claimed that it had to have been “obvious” from

“There’d be so much activity coming into his address, in this case, Hunter Biden’s businesses, that he obviously would have to be aware,” Johnson said of Joe Biden during the interview.

“So, again, I just used the word obvious; it has been so obvious for so long, that Biden Inc. is a corrupt enterprise. And that this president is corrupt, that he is compromised.”

Johnson, speaking just hours before Hunter Biden was indicted in California for tax evasion, argued that so much foreign money being paid to Biden family members can’t fail to influence the president’s decision making.


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