Monday, December 11, 2023

New papers indicates mRNA Vaccines accidentally cause our cells to create vast numbers of random misshapen proteins

The study is complex, but its takeaway is simple: playing with nature is never risk-free. 

Remember, mRNA jabs work much as viruses themselves do, by hijacking our own cellular machinery to crank out proteins. But the mRNA in the shots is subtly different than the RNA that viruses (or our own bodies) make and use. 

But every miracle has a price. 

Modified RNA is no exception. 

In all, almost 10 percent of the proteins that the mRNA Covid jabs make the body produce appear to be “wrong,” rather than the intended spike protein.

In the Cell paper, the authors show that neither Covid-19 itself nor the DNA-based Covid vaccine from AstraZeneca produce similar proteins. The effect is limited to the mRNAs. 

The authors also reported they could find a biological response to the wrong proteins in mice and in humans. They warned that these proteins “could activate T cells that target host cells,” and that their other effects “could include increased production of new B cell antigens.” 

T and B cells form the core of our immune system. In other words, the mRNA jabs may accidentally cause the body to attack its own tissues, as well as make antibodies that don’t work against the spike protein.

These warnings come not from me, but directly from the paper. 

Once again, we’re learning far too late of the risks of moving a novel biotechnology from the lab to human beings in months.


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