Monday, May 18, 2020

French kids return to post-COVID-19 schools that are run more like indoctrination camps

French kids return to post-COVID-19 schools that are run more like indoctrination camps
Students not only will be faced with extreme restrictions, but they’ll be questioned about ‘exterior or family’ influence at home. 
May 13, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – With the reopening of kindergartens and primary schools in France this week (secondary schools are to follow later) as “deconfinement” measures are progressively implemented, schoolteachers are facing extremely detailed list of dos and don’ts that include preventing children from approaching each other at less than 1 meter, even during recess, and banning any form of ball games because – government booklets say – teachers cannot be expected to clean the ball each time a pupil has touched it. 
But beyond the Kafkaesque rules and regulations aimed even at 3- to 5-year-olds, a system of surveillance and denunciation is already in place that openly encourage school personnel to trace “sectarian deviance” or talk of “conspiracy theories” regarding the COVID-19 crisis and its management by public authorities. 
Two official documents were published ahead of the reopening of schools. 
One, titled “Listening to what returning students have to say after the COVID-19 confinement,” aims at rebuilding “resilience” in what is presented as a return to a “secure” environment – as if being at home, together with their parents, could be considered as a trauma. 
The document is available here on the official site for teachers, Eduscol. 
The second document, on the same website, bears the title “COVID-19 and risks of sectarian deviance.” 
It speaks even more clearly about a possible change in students’ attitudes because of “exterior or family influence.