Monday, October 12, 2020

Is 50+ Years Of Failure Theater Finally Catching Up To The "Palestinians?"

As Israel becomes fully integrated into the economies of the Arab world via trade agreements, commercial flight permission, and a host of non-cultural but powerful connections, the importance of the "Palestinian Question" shrinks. At this point, the economic and technological advantages of a relationship with Israel, as cold as it may be, dwarfs the social and quasi-religious power of a few million stateless Arabs living in self-imposed squalor. 
The final nail in Palestinian-Arab relations? 
Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz's criticism of Palestinian leaders this week did not surprise those who have been following the deterioration of relations between the Palestinians and some Arab countries in the past few months. What is also not surprising is that the Palestinian leadership does not appear to have an idea how to stop the rapid deterioration. Palestinian officials admitted this week that they have never been forced to deal with such a barrage of criticism from Arabs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Abba Eban's famous quip that the Palestinians "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" continues to ring true.

IMHO the Gulf states have awakened to the real threat posed by Iran and Russia and know in their bones that Israel is the local bulwark, the US being unreliable and the EU feckless.

The Palestinians have never been of any use to the local Arabs aside from a cudgel to beat up on the Jews. Without that advantage they may as well not exist. Plus, and this is important, they cost the Kings and Emirs a ton of money to support. And no one needs an unproductive and costly colony.

Soon the Palis will have only the UN and that outfit prefers Hamas to the PA. So the West Bank better figure it out fast. Nobody will support a three state solution.