Monday, October 12, 2020

"THIS STORY GETS WEIRDER AND WEIRDER": Leftist Who SHOT Trump Supporter WAS NOT A Security Guard, New Report Reveals He Was ILLEGALLY Hired

1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

I had viewed an early video of the "altercation between the two men and was puzzled. It seemed the black young man practically begged to be maced. He would say "Don't touch me... Fuckin' mace me...." in repeated manner.

John Tiegen (Patriot Muster leader and Benghazi survivor) stated the producer for the news channel, the black man and the security guard had a huddle shortly before the tragedy.

The event was over. Perhaps the news producer had not yet filmed the shock-and-awe moment for the camera.

It does make sense now. One was a paid (or willing) political agitator. The other, a simple Navy vet who finally gave in to the request of the other man.

The shooter? Looks shocked as soon as he fires and sees uniformed officers rushing him. They were THAT CLOSE.

News is no longer reported. It is manufactured, created, regurgitated. We must view everything with a critical filter.