Thursday, September 14, 2023

Attorney Defending Constitutional Rights Receives Standing Ovation for Her Oral Arguments Against NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Tyrannical Quarantine Camp Lawsuit Appeal

A remarkable moment unfolded in a New York courtroom on Wednesday as Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox, who is representing petitioners against Governor Kathy Hochul’s administration, received a standing ovation for her impassioned oral arguments. 
Cox was defending the rights of New Yorkers against draconian and unconstitutional isolation and quarantine camps initially implemented by the Department of Health. 
The lawsuit was originally filed in April 2022 in the State Supreme Court of Cattaraugus County. 
Petitioners include State Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Congressman Michael Lawler, and the organization Uniting NYS. 
The regulation in question allows for mandating isolation and quarantine orders for individuals without concrete proof that they are sick or have been exposed to diseases listed in the regulation. 
This regulation granted Department of Health bureaucrats the ability to force indefinite isolation and quarantine upon citizens of any age for any reason. 
In a significant win for constitutional freedoms, NYS Supreme Court Judge Ronald Ploetz ruled in favor of the Republican state senators, deeming the regulation unconstitutional. 
The ruling led to an immediate appeal filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James on behalf of the Hochul Administration and Department of Health to overthrow the Supreme Court Judge’s ruling. 
During the Wednesday hearing, Cox took aim at the overreaching powers given to the Commissioner of Health. She forcefully stated that the rule granted “unbridled power to pick and choose which New Yorkers could be locked up,” without any proof of sickness or exposure to a communicable disease.


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