Monday, September 11, 2023

Twenty-two years 

15 years posting here

and I am having trouble with the words

Never Forget

the now hackneyed phrase

(to be sure, when you see it on sign or commercial or billboard the company that paid for it is sure to put their name with hit hoping to drive in business out of patriotic empathy)

So many can't even remember

because they hadn't been born yet

people you and I work with now

Never Forget

I never have

not for one day in the last 22 years

(while waiting for the penny to drop)

(for the game is afoot here and I don't believe we yet know the truth)

Have you?


Always On Watch said...

Never Forget

I never have

not for one day in the last 22 years

So, "Never forget!" works for me. I am both sad and angry today.

But I do understand that the phrase doesn't work for many -- including the students I teach.

thelastenglishprince said...

Swofford never forgets. And while the image of the one is iconic, approximately 200 people leapt from the buildings on that day. One individual leaving the building before it imploded remembers seeing a baby with the umbilical cord still attached. It is an image they wish to forget.