Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Allen West's Great Speech

Listen to the whole thing.

Lt. Col. West was forced to take an early retirement from the U.S. Army because of the Political Correctness that has infected both the government and military. West prevented an attack upon his men and saved many American lives as a result of his action. However, the lives of American soldiers are considered of less importance than the hurt feelings of the enemy.

In order to obtain information of the ambush, West held his .45 to the head of an unlawful enemy combatant and threatened to shoot him. The Jihadi then talked. For this, a brave and honorable officer was forced out of the service.

As an example of how far and how fast the moral fiber of America and its leadership has degenerated one need go no further than the press conference given by General Eisenhower on 28 March 1945. When asked about German civilians firing upon American soldiers in the Third Army's sector, Eisenhower responded thus:

I can tell you what I have told all my Army Commanders, for which I take full responsibility, that resistance of that kind will be dealt with sternly and on the spot. I will not tolerate civilians, people out of uniform bearing arms firing on our troops. [The entire press conference is in My Three Years with Eisenhower by Harry C. Butcher, p. 784.]
Pity, there are no men of such caliber in high command today. One can easily imagine how Patton interpreted such orders.

Crossposted at The Dougout


Pastorius said...

I didn't know Allen West had been a General, nor that he had been removed from command for those actions.

I hope you don't mind, but I altered your text a bit, enlarging that portion, because I think it is important that everyone, even those who skim, know that about Allen West.

Paul Champagne said...

If the Libs get their way, before you know it ... all of our brave fighting men and women will be in jail and the jihadists will be running OUR Country.

Anonymous said...

No problem. Allen West retired as a Lt. Col., he was too doubleplusunPC to ever be promotted to general.

Pastorius said...

Jeez, I'm not reading very well lately.

Ok, General. Still, I think it is important.

I should have wondered WTF a General was doing in the field of combat.