Sunday, December 06, 2009

Australian Professor/Politician Call For "Suspension of Democratic Processes" As Solution To "Deniers"

From the Herald Sun:

Professor Clive Hamilton, now the Greens' candidate for the Victorian seat vacated by former Treasurer Peter Costello, wins for blind persistence. Observe.

Hamilton complains: "The Right has jettisoned science in favour of deeper beliefs."

But this same Hamilton preaches:

"So I think where we're going is to begin to see a Gaian earth in its ecological, cybernetic way, infused with some notion of mind or soul or chi, which will transform our attitudes to it away from an instrumentalist one, towards an attitude of greater reverence."

Again. Hamilton complains: "Climate change is the most important arena for the long-running culture war of the neo-conservatives. In pursuit of their goals they have tapped into primitive fears."

But this same Hamilton preaches: "I cannot see any alternative to ramping up the fear factor."

This week he showed what he meant, claiming if "climate deniers" won, then "hundreds of millions of mostly impoverished people ... would die".

This made these "deniers" - he named me - not just "more dangerous" than Holocaust deniers, but over time "more iniquitous" and "morally worse".

If fact, he threatens a "suspension of democratic processes" to deal with such opposition.

Here's some information about Clive Hamilton:

Clive Hamilton AM is Professor of Public Ethics at Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE) and he also holds the Vice-Chancellor's Chair at Charles Sturt University. Hamilton is the founder of The Australia Institute, a progressive think tank, and from 1993 to 2008 was its Executive Director.

Hamilton's work offers a critique of modern capitalism and consumerism. His most recent book The Freedom Paradox: Towards a Post-Secular Ethics was launched in Canberra by Justice Michael Kirby in 2008.

The AGW movement, and the Green Movement out of which it came, are Trojan Horses which are being used to introduce Socialist ideas into Western political systems.

This AGW movement has little to do with science, and a lot to do with Communism and Totalitarianism. And, people like Clive Hamilton are evidence of that.


Anonymous said...

yes of course... we normals are so evil and stupid (wanting to live our lives free and autonomously)

that we cant be trusted with parlimentary or republican democracy any longer that needs to be suspended...

so the real descisions on if and how many of us get to keep living can be gotten on with by the morally superior eco socialists

Damien said...
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Damien said...
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Damien said...


I do not agree with you when it comes to global warming, but I do not agree with Clive Hamilton either. Climate Change is not an excuse to push socialism. And it is not an excuse to silence those who disagree with you!

Pastorius said...

My argument does not PROVE Global Warming is a sham. I realize that.

However, it would be nice if you explain to me why it is that scientists make all these mistakes, terrorize us with predictions about the end of the world, and then refuse to apologize when they are proven wrong.

Additionally, it would be nice if you explain why you think the answer to all these problems has been totalitarian government intervention.

For instance, Obama's Czar John Holdren prescribed forced abortions and mass sterilization to deal with the overpopulation "problem" (which has turned out to be a complete myth).

John Holdren has never taken his words back, nor has he apologized.

The problem with your lighthearted response to the fact that these guys always prescribe totalitarian responses, and that these guys always terrorize us with dire predictions, is that I do not believe you take into account

1) what the psychological effect is on human beings who are told the world is ending (damages our ability to live with hope and joy)


2) what our society would look like if we actually decided to use the prescriptions of these insane totalitarian scientists ...

Imagine that, Damien. You probably would NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN.

Imagine that, Damien.

Please answer the questions.

And, ask others the same questions I'm asking you.

Get people thinking.

You are being complacent, in my opinion. Not about science, but about the reality of the prescriptions, and about the reality of the psychological damage.

Do not be complacent about that. It is at least as important as Global Warming.

Damien said...


I agree that there are some scientists out there who are nut jobs, off course. Many of the things that have been recommended to solve the global warming problem are unreasonable, and based on what I know, we are not going to destroy the world because of our CO2 emissions, but you and many of the other people here seem certain that there is nothing to the claim that are actions are effecting the climate. That said, I'm not being complacent about the fact that some people are trying to use climate change for a totalitarian agenda. I'm well aware of it, and it ticks me off to no end.

Damien said...


Don't think I'm not worried about people like John Holdren.

Pastorius said...

You should read this post by a friend of mine who was an actual Climatology research assistant for awhile:

He is also a sometimes contributor to IBA, if you never noticed.

Damien said...


Thanks for the link. I never said that were no dishonest scientists out there by the way. I always knew they existed. I think I might have seen a few posts by Sonic Charmer on this blog once before.

Anonymous said...

fucktard clive hamilton is not even a scientist!!!