Sunday, October 03, 2021

FUCK JOE BIDEN: China sends more aircraft toward Taiwan, one day after largest ever incursion

The Chinese air force has sent more aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense zone, Taiwan’s military said on Saturday, one day after the largest incursion ever into the zone. 
China sent 20 aircraft, followed by a second wave hours later, toward Taiwan. It means that nearly 80 planes, including fighter jets and bombers, have now moved toward the democratically-run country in the last two days.



Anonymous said...

Did you see the "Fuck Joe Biden" chant at Talladega yesterday? LOL. NBC is interviewing race winner Brandon Brown and the crowd is chanting FJB and the interviewer says they're chanting "Let's Go Brandon" in a feeble attempt to cover it up. To watch Brandon's face as he's trying to process what's going on - after driving 500 miles at speed - is just priceless.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I saw that. That was pretty funny.