Friday, October 08, 2021

Woman Suffers Renal Failure Five Times, Friend Donates Kidney, Hospital SUDDENLY Tells Her, YOU CAN'T HAVE KIDNEY TRANSPLANT BECAUSE YOU ARE UNVACCINATED


Imagine putting the vaccine in your body if you have already had five kidney failures.

These ghouls in Colorado.

Persecution is now cool! A woman who has stage 5 renal failure was suddenly told by UCHealth (University of Colorado Health) -- just before her kidney transplant operation -- that she was banned from the hospital because both she and her donor are unvaccinated.

Here I am, willing to be a direct donor to her. It does not affect any other patient on the transplant list," Jaimee Fougner, Leilani Lutali's kidney donor, told CBS4. "How can I sit here and allow them to murder my friend when I've got a perfectly good kidney and can save her life?"

Lutali said she received a letter from Colorado health system UCHealth at the end of September explaining that she and Fougner have 30 days to begin the vaccine process. They would be removed from the kidney transplant list if they refuse the shots. "I said I'll sign a medical waiver. I have to sign a waiver anyway for the transplant itself, releasing them from anything that could possibly go wrong," said Lutali. "It's surgery, it's invasive. I sign a waiver for my life. I'm not sure why I can't sign a waiver for the [Chinese] COVID shot . . . "

. . . Idiotic and cruel decisions like this from too many of today's health care professionals has destroyed the entire reputation of the scientific and medical community. People once trusted their judgment, because the goal had been above all to find the truth and to best serve the patient. That trust is now gone because of stupid actions like this . . . If Americans don't rise up in rage over this madness, death camps will soon be here.


Although Jeremy L. Carter was vaccinated against [Chinese] COVID-19, he still caught the virus at the end of August, Lewke detailed. He became sick enough to be hospitalized at Rochester General Hospital and continued to deteriorate to the point where he was placed on a ventilator.

After consulting with Carter's primary care doctor, Carter and his daughter Jill Alvarado wanted to try Ivermectin. Although the drug is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat [Chinese] COVID-19, and the FDA has explicitly warned against using it, some doctors have prescribed Ivermectin for [Chinese] COVID-19 patients.

However, the hospital refused to administer the drug to Carter, even though the family said they would gladly sign away any right to file a malpractice lawsuit.

This forced Alvarado to sue Rochester Regional Health, where Rochester General Hospital falls -- and she was successful. Finally, a judge sided with the family and ordered the hospital to administer the care.

Still, though, Rochester General Hospital refused. Rochester Regional Health filed an appeal on Saturday, and a hearing was scheduled for Monday, Lewke's report said.

Carter died on Sunday.

Attorney Ralph Lorigo, who sued Rochester Regional Health on behalf of Carter, told Lewke he's filed dozens of lawsuits against health systems in western New York alone over the past few months.

"Every case I have is a person in a hospital dying," he said, "what is the harm if a hospital is done with its protocol?"

Lorigo has already filed three suits against Rochester Regional Health to get them to administer Ivermectin, including Carter's suit.

"Each of those times we were successful and those people went home. In this situation we sued, we got a court order and the hospital refused to administer the Ivermectin," the attorney explained.

Wow, I didn't know the experimental ward at Birkenau was still cranking out MDs. Like t

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

We are certainly learning how death camps happened.