Monday, May 09, 2022



Do vaccinated people shed their vaccine byproducts to us? We definitely, for sure, knew that vaccine shedding was not a thing, because “health experts and fact checkers” told us so. And we “believe science” and our “health experts”. 
Except that it is WRONG and vaccine shedding has just been proven by science! 
Even I believed that there was no plausible mechanism for vaccine shedding. I thought that it was a baseless conspiracy theory. Stupid me. It turned out that I WAS WRONG and vaccine shedding is real and can be measured. 
A study “Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV2-specific Humoral Immunity” was just released. Let me try to explain it. First, these scientists from the University of Colorado looked at face masks, worn by vaccinated health care workers. 
They found that those workers shed antibodies generated by vaccination, and some antibodies got trapped in the masks and could be detected. This means that vaccinated people are literally “shedding” vaccine-caused antibodies. 
Interested in that, scientists looked further: they compared unvaccinated children living with unvaccinated parents, to similarly unvaccinated children, but living with vaccinated parents. 
It turned out that vaxxed parents actively shed vaccine-produced particles onto their children so that the kids acquired “humoral immunity” following shedding from their parents! Not only was this finding evident in the data, it actually was STRONGLY statistically significant with p-value of 0.01! 
This means that this was not a chance finding. It remains to be explained WHY children have intranasal IgG. The authors seem to think that it is because of antibody shedding via droplets. In other words, they seem to propose that what is transferred is IgG itself in saliva droplets. They may be right. 
That said, there is a possibility that children DEVELOP intranasal IgG because other vaccine byproducts or exosomes are being shed. It could even be due to lipid mRNA nanoparticles themselves shed and being transferred via saliva, like a virus. 
In fact, considering two replies to this article that I quoted at the bottom, mRNA lipid nanoparticle shedding is most likely. Why? Because the responders report experiencing STRONG IMMUNE REACTIONS. 
Such byproducts would be CAUSING intranasal IgG in children as an immune reaction in children, rather than those IgGs being essentially mechanically spat from parents onto their children.


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