Monday, October 17, 2022

Dr. Harvey Risch: Health establishment censors us because 'they've lost the argument'

Risch's assertion that they censor us, "because they've lost the argument" is only half right.

Let's face it, they censor us because they can.

There are two forces in this world; power and reason.

Reason is the way of good. It is the way that takes in new ideas, compares them to old ideas, subjecting them to argumentation, which refines the new ideas, and brings about new workable concepts on how to proceed.

Power, on the other hand,  is the way of evil. Power, when faced with new ideas, just smashes the new idea into submission, and goes with blunt force trying to force the old ideas into new holes.

It's the old adage, when all you have is hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

Guess who's the hammer, and guess who's the nail.

So, you see, they may have lost the argument, but it doesn't mean we have won.

No one has won.

We've all lost. 

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