Thursday, January 12, 2023

Harvard med class focuses on LGBTQIA+ ‘infants’

Harvard Medical School students can learn about how to provide healthcare to “infants” who are LGBTQIA+, according to a course catalog description. 
“Caring for Patients with Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities, and Sex Development,” a regularly available med school course, promises to give students a chance to work with “patients [who] identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex or asexual.” 
“Clinical exposure and education will focus on serving gender and sexual minority people across the lifespan, from infants to older adults,” according to the course description. Students in the course may also “engage in a mentored scholarly endeavor” such as “advocacy, quality improvement, medical education, original research, or public health project.” 
The College Fix asked Harvard Medical School via email what advocacy opportunities the course offers, how students are taught to treat patients with gender dysphoria, and if that includes counseling and how medical experts know if an infant is LGBT. 
The school did not respond to three inquiries sent in the past two weeks.



revereridesagain said...

Forgive my asking, but what are those two homosexual men going to teach that little girl about females, and, for that matter, men? Or are they just living out another one of their fantasies?

Pastorius said...

Even the dog is wondering what's going on.