Tuesday, February 07, 2023

OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON: Elementary School Starts Student Club That Excludes White Kids

As one can imagine, many school parents have expressed their anger over such blatant racism. One parent shared her perspective with Seattle-based KOMO News: 
“My son came home and said that they came into the classes, and they were promoting this and talked it up to the students, but then he found out that since he was white, he wasn’t able to participate,” Centennial Elementary School parent Jessica Juergens told KOMO News. “They have their friends that they want to play with at lunch, and a fourth or fifth grader can’t understand why they can’t play with their friends.” 
“I feel like it’s promoting segregation at our schools, and we’ve moved away from that,” she added.



thelastenglishprince said...

Look at Africa. Tribalism has destroyed it. This is tribalism and the virulent enemy of democracy.

Pastorius said...


Of course, the left would say Capitalism/Colonialism has destroyed Africa.