Tuesday, December 22, 2009

UK: Jewish Collaborators in England in the War Against the Jews

From Jamie Glazov at Front Page Magazine:

FP: Pamela Geller, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

The organization SIOE (Stop the Islamization of Europe) held a demonstration recently in Harrow, England. Tell us what happened and what it signified.

Geller: Thanks Jamie.

Last week, on December 13, Stop the Islamization of Europe (SIOE) held a protest rally in what can only be described as an Islamic fortress in the heart of Harrow, England. I strongly urged Jews to attend.

We are all aware of Islamic anti-Semitism and the toxic danger it poses to Jews. The promise of Jewish genocide is made “sacred” by Islamic texts such as the one in which Muhammad says that the end times will not come until the Muslims kill the Jews, and the Jews hide behind trees, which then cry out, “O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”

The SIOE demonstration was against the building of a mosque there, and the larger issues of the advance of Sharia and Islamization in the United Kingdom. SIOE pointed out the words of the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…”

Political parties, racist chanting, banners and placards, and totalitarian symbols such as Nazi swastikas, communist hammer and sickles, and the Islamic star and crescent were banned. The initial announcement of the demonstration asked those attending to bring one thousand Israeli flags, and said: “SIOE supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Islamist attempts to annihilate Jews.” The SIOE called on Jews living in London or within traveling distance of London to attend the demonstration, saying that:

“vile anti-Semitism is being preached in mosques across the world and almost certainly the one in your neighbourhood….Non-Jews are demonstrating on 13th December against the anti-Semitism being taught in mosques which goes unchallenged by politicians, the media and so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims. Jews cannot, in all conscience, leave it to non-Jews to protest on the behalf of Jews who are once again the world’s whipping boy.”

FP: And so Jews came out in full force?

Geller: No Jamie, they did not. The Community Security Trust (CST), a leading Jewish group in Britain, urged the Jewish community there not to support the demonstration. The CST said in a statement that it “has drawn attention to the Islamaphobic comments on SIOE’s website, and compared the group to the English Defence League, and the BNP’s Nick Griffin, who have attempted to gain support from Jews through pro-Israel and anti-Muslim statements…. A demonstration against Harrow mosque under the banner ‘Stop the Islamization of Europe,’ is as stupid and offensive as a demonstration against Harrow synagogue, under the banner ‘Stop the Zionization of Europe.’”

Once again leftist Jews were lying and deceiving to advance the aims of the enemies of Jews and Jewish life. Stephen Gash of SIOE responded: “I have stood several times in elections against the BNP and what they stand for. Equating synagogues to mosques is reprehensible in my view. When terrorists leave synagogues to blow up planes and tube trains then we at SIOE might reconsider our position. Until that happens we will continue to support Israel and the right of Jews to exist and to defend themselves.”

The Jewish Chronicle even went so far as to gloat when attendance was small. Did the Chronicle ask why so few people attended this demonstration in a town where the majority does not want this mosque? The majority knows what’s happening in their country and fear it. But the Chronicle did not restate the obvious – that people did not attend out of fear.

Did the Jewish Chronicle cover the Death to the Jews protests back in January? Does the Jewish Chronicle cover the ongoing jihad against the Jews? We know the answer.


Pastorius said...

That's an interesting thought. Certainly, this anti-Jewish phenomenon is primarily driven by secularist thinking within the Jewish community.

Anonymous said...

baring in mind that the muslims are the bastard-half brothers of the Jewish people by Abraham's mistress... These are the same Jewish people that have been making a concerted effort to destroy Christmas & Christianity in America for almost a century.
connecting the dots.

Epaminondas said...

exqueeze me anon freakazoid -- the people leading the war against Christmas ARE ATHEISTS.

And this:"muslims are the bastard-half brothers of the Jewish people by Abraham's mistress" is true ONLY if you believe the bible is LITERAL history in all its dimensions.


Anonymous said...

"One major reason for this is that Islam is not considered idolatry in Jewish law."

So worshipping a meteorite shaped like a woman's pussy isn't idolatry?

Please excuse me while I prostrate myself to a pair of inflatable tits.

Epaminondas said...

"So worshipping a meteorite shaped like a woman's pussy isn't idolatry?"

Isn't that why they call it a religious experience?

Pastorius said...

The varieties of Religious Experience:




Epaminondas said...

After further review I have decided there are probably some people out there who find us frustrating in some way

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I can't figure out why, though.

Look at the photos I posted there.

That ought to make everyone happy.
