From this source:
One thing you have to remember about Obamacare is that much of the financial pain, such as steep penalties, is back ended so that by the time people wake up to reality, the law has been operating for years and it’s too late.Read the details HERE.
Here’s yet another example, the subsidies for state exchanges disappear in 2015, and that’s going to bust state budgets....
...Like a drug dealer giving you drugs on the cheap until you are hooked, and then you’re on your own....
Thanks for posting this AOW.
This 'monstrosity' should never have been passed without reading it.
That's why Maine did not enter into this.
We just barely paid the hospitals back almost a billion in the state over a broke medicaid that caused the sales tax to go up 1% under a VERY republican gov. Otherwise we'd have hospitals folding. I know for a fact how behind many rural hospitals were paying their bills, and I am talking 120-150 days with major suppliers. This is why.
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