Friday, October 11, 2013

The strategic target is the destruction of the republican (or any successor) party as an effective political force.

The default, the discussion, the shutdown, the whole loud clamor of this and that - It is all a by product, a side effect of the actual strategy of this man and his ideological supporters.

The strategic target is the destruction of the republican (or any successor) party as an effective political force. 

The dialectic?
Only progressive forces can be correct in their march into the future. Only progressive forces can see the future as it must be. Only progressive forces can make Jefferson’s egalitarian ideas into a balanced, just result for all.
Therefore all other forces must yield.


By achieving this result there is no armed revolution, and any violence that might be a result, progressive forces can connect to ‘2nd amendment extremists’ and hate groups. The constant dialectic of the democratic party leadership is an unrelenting stream of public warping perception and it is NOT RESISTED by any Republican INCLUDING Mr. Cruz. No republican politician is calling out Obama and the democratic leadership on this. No media is exposing, as they would have with “W” the chilling effect.

Cloward Piven is a blunt and outmoded example. In fact we, the USA, don’t have the political will to deal with the actual problems leading to economic collapse. Therefore if Cloward Piven is the goal all that has to be done is NOTHING. But that risks REAL action by groups who would be justified in armed resistance to the goals of those using such crude methods. Real action chances victory by non progressive forces.

This way, by creating in the public’s mind the image of an extremist, anti progressive,  opposition which caters to the monied and privileged the public is an ally against that BARE minority which finds disgust with the direction of the nation, and those who can be pressured to be silent, and sit on the sidelines, will do so.
This coincidentally is why the democrats, and especially the president is so frightened by the moms, dad, families, and children that sprang out of nowhere in 2010 as the Tea Party changed the entire political landscape, and set the president on his OBVIOUS course of IRS repression for his own election. That is why the Tea Party MUST BE extremist, so that moms making cookies in their kitchen are afraid to be seen so.

We will VOTE AWAY our Constitution and it will die of atrophy and disregard.

The republican representation will shrink (IRS ANYONE?) by all means of pressure on the VOTE, SCOTUS will change over time, and the executive will be a prize among the left until even the Joe Manchin’s retire in disgust as reactionary extremists.

And there will be no Cloward Piven



Unknown said...

From legalInsurrection:

Anonymous said...

Will, that's probably why Obama is so deadset against delaying ACA even when it is VERY OBVIOUSLY not ready.