Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Southwest Airlines Pilot Explains Why You Won't Hear Anything About Vaccine Mandates From His Union

 From Alex Berenson's website:

Here's a comment from Alex Berenson's website:

I can tell you, as a retired flight attendant, I have worked a few "work to rule' slow downs, they ARE effective. A glass (when we used to have glass) breaks in the galley...can't just clean it up at the gate. No, no, rug has be changed out, maintenance has to come, someone has to sign-off logbook, flight is delayed, crew goes illegal, etc,,, this is how it works. You are following the strictest interpretation of the FAA rules. I am beyond THRILLED to see these pilots do this. Selfishly, I don't want to fly with a blood clotting pilot. Sudafed used to be one of the few "allowed" meds- now a shot with UNKOWN substances and short/long term effects are perfectly fine? Hard pass. Even though I worked for a competing airline and still have flight benefits, I will gladly join their picket line if they strike. And I am not at all pro-union. Bodily autonomy HAS to be the red line.

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