Monday, October 03, 2022

THE HEART ATTACK ENZYME: Elevated troponin levels post-vax


If you ever go to the hospital with symptoms of a heart attack, the Dr. will draw your blood, looking for elevated levels of Tronopin.

From Medline:

Troponin is a type of protein found in the muscles of your heart. Troponin isn't normally found in the blood. When heart muscles become damaged, troponin is sent into the bloodstream. As heart damage increases, greater amounts of troponin are released in the blood.

From Steve Kirsch:

We know that the vaccine causes heart damage which then manifests itself as elevated troponin levels after the shot.

Apparently some hospitals are now measuring this on all patients and then not sharing the data. But some hospital workers know what is going on.

Here’s the anecdote that got my attention:

Steve, you will find this story of interest.

I was just today discharged from the most prestigious academic teaching hospital in the South. I had gone into the ER yesterday morning because I was so dizzy that I could barely stand (I’m a healthy 62 year old in good shape; BMI: 24). I am also a few weeks post-concussion, so I was worried about a cranial bleed.

Long story short: I was held overnight so that they could do an MRI/MRA w/contrast this morning. That showed no TIA bleeding, which was great news. Apparently, the concussion has done some damage to my Vestibular functions (inner ear). I was then discharged after lunch, told to live life slowly and carefully, and instructed to follow up with a neuro-balance therapy group. Now for the interesting part…

I asked for all of my data files and paperwork, as I always do. As I went through the exhaustive four pages of MRI interpretation, I noticed a paragraph at the bottom of page five titled: HS Troponin - I Beckman with an excellent result (4 ng/L w/ reference range of 3-19). That's curious! So, I asked the nurse “Why did you run this test?” She responded that it is often run for potential stroke patients, which, upon reflection, I could understand.

I went a bit further and asked how frequently it is tested in the general population, and that’s when I got the fascinating answer to the real (vaxx) question. She said “Just this year we have started running Troponin on almost everybody, even a guy that comes into the ER with a cut on his finger”. I asked why the new protocol, and she didn’t have an answer, but she did close by saying “We sure are seeing a lot of elevated levels in so many people”. Wow, I thought. You’ve just given a hard-core mRNA skeptic like me a gold nugget.


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