Friday, October 18, 2013

The small indicators of the huge warnings ..unseen, unnoticed

I take courses from EdX, a conglomeration of MIT, CalTech, Harvard, Stanford, Georgetown, U Ca, amd many other fins schools.
They are free and you may be one of up to 20k students depending on the course.
I take tech.
Today I was alerted to several new courses.
Here is one of them.

Principles of Electric Circuits: Part 1

This course provides a solid introduction to the real-world application of electric circuits used in cutting-edge technologies. (In Mandarin with English subtitles).

It is necessary to understand the basic ideas of calculus. Knowledge of ODE and electromagnetic fields will help your understanding, but are not necessary conditions for taking the course.


The principles of electric circuits are critical for electrical engineering and computer science students. In this course, we will cover linear and nonlinear resistive circuits, and dynamic circuits in time and phasor domains. In addition to learning critical methods for analyzing circuits, the course will discuss modern circuit elements, such as MOSFETs and Op Amps, used in cutting-edge technologies. This course provides a solid introduction to the real-world application of electric circuits. You will gain a deeper understanding of the important role circuits play in our lives.


电路原理课程是电类各专业最重要的一门学科基础课,后续各专业基础课和专业课都建立在这门课程的知识体系之上,因此是电类专业本科生的“看家 课”之一。电路原理课程的主要内容包括:线性电阻电路分析、非线性电阻电路分析、动态电路的时域分析和正弦激励下动态电路的稳态分析4大部分。清华大学电 路原理课程的教学包括电路分析基本方法、当代电路元器件、电路原理的实际工程应用等,为学生提供了扎实的基础和丰富的应用。
All knowledge is GOOD. You take it from any source, but that is not the point. Americans who worked in manufacturing, EE, and design shoud get the point here quite clearly. It’s not subtle for any of us. This knowledge is the basis of products. Products are the basis of manufacturing. Manufacturing is the basis of jobs and LARGE GROSS PROFIT. Gross profit is the basis of research, and university endowments.
And here we are.
'Will that be large or extra large, ma'am?'
The professors:


Xinjie Yu
Xinjie Yu

于歆杰 Xinjie Yu

Dr. Xinjie Yu received his Bachelor’s and Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in 1996 and 2001, respectively. He was a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2003 and Waseda University in 2008. Dr. Yu’s textbook for the course has been recognized as the premier textbook in the field by China’s Ministry of Education and Beijing City. Dr. Yu was named the Elite Researcher of Beijing City in 2006 and the New Century Talent of China’s Ministry of Education in 2012.
于歆杰,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2003年赴美国MIT考察半年,2008-2009年赴日本早稻田大学访问一年。国家级精品课“电路 原理”课程负责人。主讲《电路原理》,《演化计算及其应用》。主编教材《电路原理》,为普通高等教育“十一五”和“十二五”国家级规划教材,被教育部高教 司评为普通高等教育精品教材,被北京市教委评为北京高等教育精品教材,被评为首届“中国大学出版社图书奖”一等奖,清华大学优秀教材一等奖。主译MIT电 路教材《模拟和数字电子电路基础》、主译教材《遗传算法与工程优化》。2006年获北京市科技新星,2012年获教育部新世纪优秀人才。曾获北京市教学成 果一等奖一次、二等奖一次。
Wenjuan Lu
Wenjuan Lu

陆文娟 Wenjuan Lu

Professor Wenjuan Lu teaches the nationally recognized Principles of Electric Circuits. She has published eight textbooks and is a recipient of the Beijing Higher Education Outstanding Teacher Award.
陆文娟,教授,国家级精品课“电路原理”原负责人。主讲《电路原理》,参加编写出版的教材有8本。曾获第四届北京市高等学校教学名师奖,全 国宝钢优秀教师奖,北京市优秀教师称号,清华大学教书育人奖和研究生“良师益友”称号等。曾获北京市教育教学成果二等奖,清华大学教学成果一、二等奖多 次。
Wei Zhao
Wei Zhao

赵伟 Wei Zhao

Professor Wei Zhao received his Ph.D. in the former Soviet Union. He teaches Principles of Electric Circuits, Discussions on Electromagnetic Measurements, and Fundamentals of Virtual Instruments.
赵伟,原苏联技术科学副博士,教授,博士生导师。主讲《电路原理》、《电磁测量选论》、《虚拟仪器基础》、《LabVIEW编程与虚拟仪器 设计》等课程,出版有《电磁测量》、《电工理论基础》(译)等教材,发表教学研究文章9篇。曾获教育部科技进步二等奖2项、中国电力科技进步三等奖1项、 中国石油和化工工业科学技术二等奖1项;国家政府特殊津贴;国家电网公司科技进步二等奖。
Jingbo Guo
Jingbo Guo

郭静波 Jingbo Guo

Professor Jingbo Guo visited Stanford as a visiting Associate Professor in 2002 for a year. He teaches Principles of Electric Circuits, Fundamentals of Communication Systems, and Modern Power Communication.
郭静波,博士,教授,博士生导师。2002.9-2003.10作为国家公派访问学者到美国斯坦福大学访问交流,并任斯坦福大学电子系客座 副教授。主讲课程:本科生《电路原理》、《通信系统原理》;研究生《现代电力通信》。获奖情况:吉林省科技进步二等奖(1996);清华之友优秀教师奖 (2001)。
Songlin Huang
Songlin Huang

黄松岭 Songlin Huang

Professor Songlin Huang teaches Principles of Electric Circuits, Magnetic Physics and Electromagnetic Measurement, and Design of Virtual Instruments.
Xiucheng Liu
Xiucheng Liu

刘秀成 Xiucheng Liu

Dr. Xiucheng Liu is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua. He visited Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1996. He teaches Principles of Electric Circuits and Circuits and Systems.
刘秀成,男,博士,副教授。1996年8月至1997年12月到香港理工大学访问。主讲本科生《电路原理》和工程硕士《电路与系统》课程。 作为主编或参与编写教材、教学参考书、电子课件、专著等10余部。发表教学研究文章4篇。获校级以上个人和集体奖励10余项,指导的硕士研究生有2人获清 华大学优秀硕士论文,是“清韵烛光”第二届清华大学“我最喜爱的教师”之一。
Guiping Zhu
Guiping Zhu

朱桂萍 Guiping Zhu

Dr. Guiping Zhu is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua. She visited Manchester University in 2004. She teaches Principles of Electric Circuits and Computer Simulation for Power Electronics Circuits.
朱桂萍,女,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2004年在英国曼彻斯特大学做访问学者半年。主讲《电路原理》、《电力电子电路的计算机仿真》, 以第一、二作者身份出版教材、专著4本。发表教学研究论文4篇。曾获北京市教学成果二等奖、北京市教育创新标兵、北京市高校第五届青年教师教学基本功比赛 一等奖、清华大学青年教师教学优秀奖、清华大学教学成果一等奖、清华大学优秀教学软件一等奖、清华大学第二届青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖。
Qingqing Ding
Qingqing Ding

丁青青 Qingqing Ding

Ms. Qingqing Ding is an Associate Professor. She teaches Principles of Electric Circuits.
Yu Shen
Yu Shen

沈瑜 Yu Shen

Dr. Yu Shen is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua. He visited the University of California, Irvine in 2011. He teaches Principles of Electric Circuits and Object Oriented Programming.
沈瑜,博士,副教授。2011.8-2012.8,在UC Irvine访问学者一年。主讲课程:《电路原理》、《面向对象程序设计》、《软件编程项目训练》。获奖情况:曾获2002年教育部科技进步奖二等奖、 2007年清华大学林枫辅导员奖、2008年清华大学教学成果一等奖。
Yonggang Guan
Yonggang Guan

关永刚 Yonggang Guan

Dr. Yonggang Guan is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua. He visited Arizona State University in 2009. He teaches Principles of Electric Circuits and Modern Electrical Measurement.
关永刚,男,博士,副教授。2009~2010年在美国Arizona State University访问研究。先后讲授或参与多门课程的教学工作,主讲的课程有:《现代电气测量》、《高档单片机原理及应用》、《计算机应用软件》、 《电器原理及应用》、《电路原理》,部分参与的课程有:《高电压工程》、《现代高电压试验技术》、《数字化变电站》。
Ying Yang
Ying Yang

杨颖 Ying Yang

Dr. Ying Yang is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua. She worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as post-doctorate for two years, from 2002 to 2004. She teaches Principles of Electric Circuits and Storage Technologies in Smart Grids.
Any questions?


Unknown said...

reminds me of the Germans teaching the chinese how to bild solar panels, Now they're unable to compete with Chine solar panel builders.

"Vorsprung durch Dummheit"

Anonymous said...

That course is taught by Tsinghua, which is a Chinese school. You have other courses in Electrical Engineering taught by American universities. For example the one by MIT called Circuits and Electronics.

This course (and soon even more like this will show up) is a result of the Chinese government showing interest in EdX. As per the email I received:

Our mission to expand access to quality education around the world continues. We were honored this month when leaders in France and China announced unique online learning initiatives that will use the edX open source platform.
The French Ministry of Higher Education (and 120 French Universities) and XuetangX - a MOOC portal led by ten Chinese universities - both aim to expand access to higher education and improve outcomes for all. Online and on-campus.

So a course targeting the Chinese, from a Chinese school, in Chinese...I don't get what's so wrong about that.

In fact, it shows that the Chinese are still doing what they have been doing for the last 40 years, taking the innovations of Americans and mass producing them in China. These professors all have some connection with an American university and they're using that experience to help teach the Chinese.

I might be missing the point of your post...?


Epaminondas said...

French manufacturing is not crushing the US job market. France, despite its charm and beauty, is not going to dominate any phase of economic (and therefore ultimately -military and political) direction on the planet. It's my judgment that this small item represent something. The Chinese have moved GP generation from toxic flip flops for Walmart, to children's toys, to motherboards, bought the IBM PC division (Lenovo, now), took over american engineered production of ALL KINDS, and general product manufacturing, shifted to design and engineering (they won the last large engineering contract for the NYC subways), and now are teaching it back to us, and will quickly move to outright invention cutting out any role in the cycle for american effort.
Not a complaint observation.

This course though free has cost. They really are bearing that burden. This kind of thing (and medical research) are the ultimate societal luxuries. That has meaning. The gross profits from manufacturing exceed almost every other kind of business. That pays for the societal luxuries.
That's where China is today.
And today our debt jumped by $328 billion.
TODAY. THAT has meaning.

While we may take some kind of arrogant pleasure by telling ourselves that BOTH the new chinese stealth planes and the stealth drone are some kind of knock offs, I wouldn't be so sure.
The physics dives all design into some kind of commonality, but under the hood?
It won't be a copy of Raytheon and the designers may/will be people just like these profs.

Anonymous said...

and now are teaching it back to us,

That is what I was saying, they are using this course to teach their own people, not Americans. The thing is subtitled into English because edX is supported by American universities.

As for France, I just copy pasted the email from edX, they were talking about both France and China.

On the other hand, if you are faced with NO competition then you will grow lazier and lazier so I think sooner or later the "threat" from the Chinese will be taken on by serious folks in the West as a challenge.

I don't see competition as a bad thing.

BBC started beating the "China will be the superpower at the turn of the century" drums in late 80s, early 90s. They have since revised that to "by 2025" or something like that. Similarly with other media outlets and "experts".

We'll see how things pan out but the way economics are going right now, China can't keep on wooing manufacturing for too long. China, no matter what a few might say, is not known as an R&D haven. It might get there one day, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Again, seeing how things pan out, manufacturing is either going to come back to the US or find a new, cheaper home somewhere else, unless China gets its mess of an economy in order.

On the other hand, the US economy is a mess as well (with the mounting debt) but you have no other currency out there that people can put their trust in other than the US dollar. What are people going to go with: Euro? A huge mess. Yen? Another mess. Renminbi? An untrustworthy mess. I don't see that happening, not for a long time. Especially now that the US has become the largest oil supplier in the world.

You can't buy American oil (or OPEC oil for that matter) without US dollars. For good or bad, the US economy is actually supported by a lot more factors than the Chinese economy.

All that to say that STILL, even with the mounting debt, the US economy is considered a lot more stable.


Anonymous said...

BTW I understand that you're not complaining...I'm just discussing the issue as an outsider. I personally don't have a dog in this fight other than the acknowledgement that a world dominated by the Chinese is not going to be a pleasant world.

And keeping that in mind I still don't see much to be alarmed about in this course. There are other alarming things but I don't think this is one of them at all.


Epaminondas said...

The course is not alarming.
(Altho given recent objective test results I worry over how many americans 1-2nd year of college could make the prerequisites adequately)

It is an icon.

As far as the economy .. if the Fed slows then stops QE .. it will be 9/15-18/2008 all over again, if not worse.

The only advantage we have over china now is we are their main market. If it ever came to a fight, they may well be able to deny us access close enough to them to DO ANYTHING. We might find it 3/42 all over again, but this time with an electorate with no patience

Anonymous said...

I know about 2008, what happened during 3/42?
