Saturday, January 11, 2020

Bloomberg: Employers should hire "the best foreigners" instead of Americans

Once again, a Democrat presidential candidate has shown their true colors, putting foreigners before the American people. 
Billionaire clown Michael Bloomberg, who despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars in his presidential bid is polling in the single digits, says that if elected president, he would allow investors and employers to hire “the best” workers from around the world instead of Americans. 
Sounds like a great idea there Mikey. Right up there with banning soft drinks over 16 oz. 
“This country needs more immigrants and we should be out looking for immigrants,” Bloomberg told the San Diego Union-Tribune on January 5. Yeah Bloomberg, we need more immigrants…legal immigrants, not the kind the Democrats want who by and large are bleeding our country dry. 
‘For those who need an oboe player for a symphony, we want the best one. We need a striker for a soccer team, we want to get the best one. We want a farmworker, we want to get the best one. A computer programmer, we want to get the best one. So we should be looking for more immigrants.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg says he's open to spending "a billion" dollars on his dead-end campaign. You can't get away from Steyers' repugnant anti-Trump attack ads on you-tube.

I get the feeling that the Steyer and Bloomberg candidacies are just ways to disguise in-kind contributions to the media arm of the DNC.

You know, if that was a photo of Trump the media would accuse him of signaling his Nazi base.