All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Are "Nanomesh" Brain-Interface Control Systems The Real Purpose Behind The Vaccines?
The quick summary summary of the story is that Harvard scientist Dr. Charles Lieber was convicted yesterday on all six counts after lying to authorities about receiving millions of dollars from communist China as he shared his groundbreaking technology with a Wuhan technology institute. (See
Also arrested were two Chinese nationals, one was a female “academic” who was also a lieutenant in the People’s Liberation Army, and another person caught trying to smuggle biological weapons out of Boston’s Logan airport (MERS and SARS strains).
Dr. Lieber is a genius-level scientist who specializes in exotic nanowire technology and how it interfaces with human neurology and biology.
Some of his actual patent titles and numbers:
9,029,836 Controlled synthesis of monolithically-integrated graphene structure
10,369,255 Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
9,595,685 Nanoscale wires, nanoscale wire FET devices, and nanotube-electronic hybrid devices for sensing and other applications
9,457,128 Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
9,252,214 Apparatus, method and computer program product providing radial addressing of nanowires.
Nanomesh, neurology interface control systems, “radial addressing” of nanowires
A patent from Dr. Lieber:
9,252,214 Apparatus, method and computer program product providing radial addressing of nanowires
This allows for embedded AI systems to control nano-mesh lattices that interface with human neurology to both monitor and control human beings. This technology was being transferred to China.
Speculation is that nano-mesh lattices could be inserted into vaccines and once injected, they would self-assemble into neuralink-like computational interface systems that read and control human neurology.
This technology would essentially allow Mark Zuckerberg to project his “Meta” universe into your brain without using goggles. It’s a full-matrix scenario, where these nanowire / embedded computational systems could eventually read your own private thoughts (inner dialog) and surveil the most private thing you have — your mind.
For months, I've been following the fascinating, terrifying work of La Quinta Columna, a group of crack researchers and scientists from the Hispanosphere who have been investigating the nano-technological components of "the vaccine."
La Quinta Columna argues, and quite convincingly, I think, that these components are parts of microscopically small, injectable "operating systems" (see Moderna brag about "our operating system" here).
Key to these nano operating systems is the metallic material graphene, observed by other researchers and confirmed by LQC to be present in the drops of the covid "vaccines" that they have looked at under the microscope.
Whatever graphene is doing there, it has no business being there. It is viciously sharp, like "nano-razor blades," said the late Andreas Noack in his final video posted hours before he died a painful and unexplained death, and it attacks the human body, including the heart, which would seem to be connected to suddenly commonplace cases of heart failure in hundreds of athletes, among many thousands of other victims.
Graphene is also far more electrically conductive than copper, and, according to the scientific literature amassed by La Quinta Columna in its studies, it can conduct electrical impulses inside living creatures.
First, of course, it has to get inside the living creatures. It's one thing to experiment on a mouse, but how to experiment on a human? Enter the "covid" "vaccine," brimming with graphene among other corona-virus-extraneous nano-particles, plus mystery "self-aware" creatures.
Why would the powerful elites of the world coordinate the mass deployment of such an exotically dangerous and highly conductive material? Why would they secretly add it to "vaccines," and then fire it into much of the world's population under cover of deliberately manufactured "pandemic" hysteria in an openly militarized operation?
La Quinta Columna focuses on the workings of these graphene-based "self-assembling" nano-systems, and the possible eradication of humanity itself. It is their belief that these injected operating systems are designed to be powered by what we regard more or less harmlessly as cell phone technology, including 4G, 4G-plus and 5G, to depopulate the world of human beings and replace them with transhumans.
It is an overwhelmingly grand theory -- but then again, everything we have been undergoing and witnessing is on a similarly gargantuan scale. Something really big must explain the something really big we have all been caught up in. How can we not consider whether the global injection program, built on and driven forward on nothing but lies and propaganda and coercion, is a long-planned war against everything it means to be human? How can we not suspect this is a covert operation to force controllable machinery into man, thus destroying free man?
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