All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Monday, December 27, 2021
VENTURA COUNTY NURSES BLOW WHISTLE ON CRISIS: “Brain Bleeds, Heart Attacks in Younger 50-Year-Olds. No Doctor Will Admit This Is from the Vaccine. They Won’t Make the VAERS Report"
Ventura County nurses from different sectors and specialties are coming forward to blow the whistle on what they deem serious lapses in local health care practices, mostly related to COVID-related protocols, “vaccine” mandates and politically and financially motivated bullying of medical staff, which these health care workers say is seriously compromising the general quality of local care.
he Guardian spoke with multiple nurses of various ages and at different stages in their careers, all of whom work in medical care settings or hospitals in Ventura County. Each preferred to speak under a pseudonym for now.
Each described seriously declining standards of care, atmospheres of intimidation and fear in hospitals, and distrust and disillusionment among medical professionals.
“Before COVID, nurses, staff and the community were confident in treatment modalities and in doctors’ competencies,” says one nurse. But now, “People are confused.”
“They’re very confused,” agrees a veteran Ventura County nurse. “I think doctors are confused.… I don’t think the community’s confident. I’m not.… Because where’s the truth?”
Most shocking, perhaps, is how doctors and administrators refuse to report the rising number of unexplained medical problems in otherwise healthy people as potential adverse reactions to COVID-19 experimental vaccine shots. To suggest that these shots are the cause of any medical problem — or that they are contributing to the alarming rise in non-COVID-related hospital populations — invites professional ridicule.
The report continues:
Angela, a nurse for more than 25 years, confirms that in her hospital’s emergency room, they say they are seeing more heart problems in young adults, which are never reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as potential adverse reactions to COVID “vaccinations.”
Another nurse, Jennifer, says ER nurses privately say they are seeing “all the clotting, bleeding and things you would expect from the vaccine six months later — brain bleeds, heart attacks in younger 50-year-olds. No doctor will admit this is from the vaccine. They won’t make the VAERS report.”
When Daniel asked fellow nurses and practitioners if they report to VAERS, they looked at him like, “What’s that?”
“I’ve seen people in their thirties [with these problems], and the doctor’s just like, ‘Oh, you have s—y genes,’” he says. “I’m like, are you kidding me?”
In an updated article, more nurses are speaking out:
After the Conejo Guardian’s report on alarming trends in Ventura County hospitals, more nurses have come forward to affirm the rise in unexplained heart problems, strokes and blood clotting in local vaccinated patient populations.
They also say doctors refuse to consider that these could be adverse reactions to Covid shots.
Sam, a critical care nurse at an ICU in a Ventura County hospital, came forward because, “I’m tired of all the B.S. that’s going on,” he told the Guardian. “It’s crazy how nobody questions anything anymore.”
1 comment:
VAERS reports are not being filed? YE, GODS!
Medical fraud appears to be the rule of the day.
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