Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Painful Corn In The Foot Of America

An ACORN worker gives advice on the best place to smuggle 13-15 year-old girls into the United States for prostitution.

Note that Breitbart states, "There is no place, as ACORN tried to state, that they kicked them out because they were doing something nefarious."

In other words, ACORN attempted to facilitate organized crime IN EVERY INSTANCE.


Pastorius said...

Thank God for this young lady.

Pastorius said...

Notice she said she got a letter from a miliary vet who said he had "lost all hope."

There is never reason to lose hope.

Evil always destroys itself, because evil is chaos, and chaos can not ultimately agree on a plan to go forward.

We are winning.

I hope everyone sees that.

LL said...

18 USC 1962 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (federal criminal statute).

There is no way to spin it, but I'm sure the mainstream media will delay and divert any coverage and when they cover it, they'll soft-peddle it.

Dear Leader said that ACORN is his strategy for CHANGE in America! Now we see what the change was that he had in mind for us. And it's chilling.

Epaminondas said...

I'm sitting in the Mass GEnl Hospital lab waiting area watching CNN and these 2 kids are being attakced for their motives rite now

nevermind the facts .... it's their motives which caused this mess

Pastorius said...

White is black. War is Peace.

christian soldier said...

Some of us have known about the trafficing of very young girls and boys via the border -back and forth --expose' done in the mid '80-'s --
NO-THING done-
No outcry from our government or religious leaders...