And now, in the interest of public safety....
The Dick Dawkins Roundup:
[Additional links provided by Extremely Pavlius]
The Dick Dawkins Roundup:
[Additional links provided by Extremely Pavlius]
Dick Dawkins: "What’s to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn’t right?"
That's right, that's what he said, he said that, that's what he said....
I’m constantly on the alert for changes of mind, but extremely skeptical that those changes will just happen to be in the direction of embracing a god of Bronze Age camel herders from the Middle East,”First of all asshole we herded sheep, not camels.
He's an Evangelical, which is so abhorrent coming from them but just FINE coming from this fucker, right?
"I think my ultimate goal would be to convert people away from particular religions toward a rationalist skepticism, tinged with … no, that’s too weak," he said, correcting himself, "… glorying in the universe and in life. Yes, I would like people to be converted away from religion to skepticism."
Obviously the dude has not a clue what is going on in the world if he thinks slavery is dead and women and children are "safe" now....
“What defines your morality?” I asked with genuine curiosity. There was an extended pause as Dawkins considered the question carefully. “Moral philosophic reasoning and a shifting zeitgeist.” He looked off and then continued.Darvangelist Propaganda and the Evolution of Belief
“We live in a society in which, nowadays, slavery is abominated, women are respected, children can’t be abused—all of which is different from previous centuries.” He leaned forward as he warmed to his subject.
“Yes, absolutely fascinating.” His response was immediate. “What’s to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn’t right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question. But whatever [defines morality], it’s not the Bible. If it was, we’d be stoning people for breaking the Sabbath.”
If science claims to want religion to stay the hell out of it's business then science would do well to stay the hell out of religion's business. Why should any scientists give a rat's ass what you BELIEVE? Because their end game is to own and direct what you believe, which has shit to do with science... but has all to do with power.
The Sciencefada. A bully's guide on how to lie, obsfucate and humiliate into submission all you encounter who disagree with you. “If I can’t rationally convince you, I’ll bludgeon you into agreeing with me using mockery and derision.”
"What's so special about life, anyway?"Dick Dawkins & The Seven Deadlies
~ Dicky Dawkins
The Self Delusion...
Melanie Phillips does Dick Dawkins
Afterwards, I asked Dawkins whether he had indeed changed his position and become more open to ideas which lay outside the scientific paradigm. He vehemently denied this and expressed horror that he might have given this impression. But he also said other things which suggested to me that some of his own views simply don't meet the criteria of empirical evidence that he insists must govern all our thinking.God's Revenge on Darwin? Dick Dawkins!
Dawkins, Hitler and Stalin
Dawkins on his "shifting moral zeitgeist" - Hitler wasn't really that evil at all, you see. Stalin either!
On page 273 Dawkins states, “There is no doubt that, as a matter of fact, Stalin was an atheist. . . . But there is no evidence that his atheism motivated his brutality.” Is that another way of saying Christianity motivates brutality? There is enough evidence in the Bible from Christianity’s Founder and his apostles that condemns evil in any form – but for now let’s just remind ourselves of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus stretches the principle of goodness from mere acts to thinking evil against someone to being guilty of murder – the thought is as good as the deed (Matthew 5).
It is unfortunate that a scientist of such high standing should be guilty of selective thinking and deliberately abusing the trust of his readers whom he must assume to be biblically illiterate and dependent on him for objectivity and honesty. I suspect that Dawkins got his information on Hitler from the Straight Dope website. After reading Dawkins on Hitler it is certainly familiar reading.
Since he scripted the show himself, as well as presenting it, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that, by my reckoning, it took him about 45 seconds to divert the programme from a discussion of Darwin's genius to a vehicle for the wider dissemination of Dawkins' own much-publicised and already well-known anti-religious polemicism.Charlton Heston visits the Ministry of Science
Dick Dawkins: Faith schools are child abuse
Unless of course it is him doing the indoctrinating and his agenda being forced.... it is not fascism when heeeeee does it, ya know!
"What I'm passionately against is indoctrination. That is wicked, that is evil, that is child abuse," he continued.
Dawkins himself now says that certain ideas of eugenics may not be that bad after all. In a letter to the editor of the Sunday Herald (Scotland), Dawkins says that, while one would not want to be seen agreeing with Hitler, eugenics can be practical and desirable. He writes that, ‘if you can breed cattle for milk yield, horses for running speed, and dogs for herding skill, why on Earth should it be impossible to breed humans for mathematical, musical or athletic ability?UK: The Lowdown: essential guide to the Liberal Democrat party conference
The Lib Dem delusion: Professor Richard Dawkins appeared on the conference fringe to say that he had voted for the Lib Dems in every electionWoman Details Dramatic Encounter with Radical Islam
Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Same cult of death, different dogma.
Famed biologist and best-selling author Richard Dawkins, who mentored Bauer during her recovery, was so impressed and moved by her courage.....A nightmare for Richard Dawkins: Statistics show that atheists are a dying breed
Richard Dawkins & Carl Sagan: “Will the Universe Be the New Religion?”
Oh hohoho HO! Welcome to the Book of Revelation! Have a seat. Someone from our Feral Jewtian Department will be with you shortly...
The telling statement of the month:
Dawkins says: "What is so special about life? It never violates the laws of physics."Chew on that satanic little snippet for a minute.
L'CHAIM, ya MFer.
Richard Dawkins discusses how the religious beliefs held by Jewish school children in Israel distort their moral perception of genocide.
Or he DID... The video has been REMOVED.
Yes, Dick.... we are dumb fuck camel herders monopolizing policy like mad MFers.
A top British scientist drew fire from American Jewish organizations on Monday, after remarking that the American Jewish lobby is "monopolizing American foreign policy." Professor Richard Dawkins, a leading evolutionary biologist at Oxford University, was quoted by the British Guardian newspaper as saying last week: "When you think about how fantastically successful the Jewish lobby has been, though, in fact, they are less numerous I am told - religious Jews anyway - than atheists and (yet they) more or less monopolize American foreign policy as far as many people can see. So if atheists could achieve a small fraction of that influence, the world would be a better place."
A number of Jewish leaders responded immediately, with ADL head Abe Foxman calling Dawkin’s remarks “classic anti-Semitism.” Malcom Hoenlein, a senior official in the Conference of Presidents of Major American Organizations, was quoted by Yediot Acharonot as saying the statements represented “the poisoning of the elite.” Even top scientists can “demonstrate ignorance and fall victim to misinformation,” said Hoenlein, adding “This impact spreads within the intellectual community, and then trickles down to the general populace.”July, 2002: Dawkins had signed the British Academic's boycott of Israel:
Prof Baker is one of the signatories of a British-led petition of more than 700 academics from several countries launched by Steven Rose, an Open University professor. Signatories including Oxford professors Colin Blakemore and Richard Dawkins say they "can no longer in good conscience continue to cooperate with official Israeli institutions, including universities".HUFFPO: David Berreby: Richard Dawkins' Jewish Question
In short, quite a muddle. I cannot tell who we secularists should be trying to copy -- lobbyists, ethnically Jewish Americans, believers in a deity or people who hold to traditional practice without reflecting on ultimate questions. Only one thing is clear: By casually echoing the rhetoric of anti-Semites, Dawkins has made a fool of himself and, by extension, those of us for whom he claims to speak.Richard Dawkins Issues a fatwa against Religion
I happened to be in the United Kingdom when a bizarre television series entitled "The Root of All Evil?" was aired in primetime. Presented by Oxford University Professor and avowed atheist Dr Richard Dawkins, the series explored the evils of religion.
What was so offensive about the series was the disdain Dawkins showed for any sort of faith. During the programme, which Lord Winston says nearly provoked him to smash his television set, my mind travelled to the story of the late Rabbi Hugo Gryn during Chanukah in Lieberrose concentration camp. Gryn's father, salvaging a tiny morsel of butter in the camp to symbolise the endurance of the Maccabees, said a man can live without food and water but he cannot live without hope. When someone asked me why I attend religious services I like to say I do it for someone who died in a camp and could never enjoy another festival.
Although one would not wish to lump him with these figures, Dawkins does come from the same culture that allowed to operate freely Oswald Mosley, the lifetime anti-Semitic campaigner Dowager Lady Birdwood and Holocaust-denier David Irving. The fact that Little Britain and Big Brother attract huge audiences and that churches are empty is a commentary on the state of British spiritual life. France is indeed fiercely secular but does not seem to suffer the absence of soul that has crept into British life since the me generation replaced the Greatest Generation of the Blitz.

NEWSWEEK: Dick Dawkins ~ The Angry EvolutionistDo not hasten in your spirit to be angry,
for anger rests in the bosom of fools.
~ Ecclesiastes 7:9
Ah, Dawkins. The perfect poster boy for those who so fiercely enjoy, despite their protestations to the contrary, beating the dirty Unbelievers of every stripe back into their damp caves.
Good morning to you too.
I have never done that ever, anywhere, as I have told you before... seems to me it is you who is attacking me merely for openly stating MY OWN POV
but that's OK
Like I told you last time you tried this, you openly stating your beliefs is fine with me, I am not the guy that yelled in your face that day, but you are the one constantly yelling in mine, nu?
Me openly stating my beliefs seems to drive you into angry rages. This would not be possible if you were secure in yourself.
Seems to me the problem is not mine but yours.
Dawkins has made vile disgusting statements which I outline here and I did it today because other people are promoting him like he is clean as a whistle, he is not, he is an anti-Semitic agendiac and a bad bad MFer
I am assailing HIM
one day maybe this will sink in for you
till then I wish you shalom and have zero problem with your beliefs, as far as I am concerned they are between you and GOD not you and me.
You should be willing to give me the same courtesy but I don't expect that you can.
Ahh and addendum
as I told you last time as well
Sine you are the atheist here, not me, it would seem to me that you would want to attack this asshole for misrepresenting you even more that I do....
Dawkins should infuriate you... not me...
Alas we see again this is not the case, the attack is against me instead
Which says more about you than it does about me
Babba, will you kindly stop pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining?
I love you, Babba, in a way that's beyond Platonic, but certainy not erotic.
You are great.
Shalom to you is pissing down your leg?
Okeedokee then!
I love you too!
By the way, my comment to Babba has nothing to do with her argument with RRA, whom I also love.
You said: {{Pastorious}}
I love you too!
I say: :)
Hey I do not even know this person, I would gladly love her too
She don't want me though
NEWSWEEK: Dick Dawkins ~ The Angry Evolutionist
Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.
~ Ecclesiastes 7:9
Hey Babba,
I intended to be the one who called out CJ on this subject. Instead, you did it.
You stole my thunder, you bitch.
Ain't that just like me?
Yes, it is just like you, and I'm glad for it.
Call him out anyway Pasto.
No, if anyone wants to love me for who I am I'm fine with that. I love a lot of religious people too. I also love a lot of other atheists, including my family. I would love my mom if she was a believer, but it would still make me sad to know she expected God to show me how fundamentally "wrong" I was some day.
Of course Dawkins is a fool, but I can't claim he "misrepresents" atheists. A-theism simply means without belief in a god. It doesn't dictate what else you're going to believe in. Dawkins decides there's not a god and then flounders around ignoring the nature reality and of man from which morality derives, and thinking he can just make it all up as he goes along. He may be brilliant in some areas, but I think he's fundamentally an intellectually lazy attention-seekier who values being "controversial" above anything substantial.
My life philosophy is Objectivism, not atheism. The latter merely expresses the fact that I don't believe in the supernatural -- that there's another hidden "reality" knowable only through "faith" -- and that it is always somewhat disorienting for me to try to deal with that and, sorry, I don't always do so as well as I'd like.
Why is anyone even bothering with Charles Johnson anymore? If LGF isn't completely irrelevant by now, it's hard to think what he could do to make it worse.
I really never ever bother with it and I have a specific policy on my blog about vicious denigration (OYMERTA)
but the Dick Dawkins thing must be challenged IMO
Especially LaBabba and the fretless guy!
But... But.... I love you, Mikael!
with all my heart
& half my pancreas
dawkins is like typhoid mary.
he's not outwardly sick, he can walk around for ever looking normal, but he's a carrier who is spreading pestilence.
when someone thinks they are so intellectually and morally superior that they no longer need gods laws, god is irrelevant, that they can bring the dawn of a new man,
what they really bring is the dawn of the dead.
becuase they infect sociopaths like hitler and his minions or stalin and his, with the beleif that they can make up new rules these new rules are thier perfect foil to turn society on its head, and justify the carnage and murder they hide in thier hearts and wish to let out if only they could find the justification.
in comes justification dawkins
the typhoid mary of thought.
when someone thinks they are so intellectually and morally superior that they no longer need gods laws, god is irrelevant, that they can bring the dawn of a new man,
what they really bring is the dawn of the dead.
Dostoevsky said something like "in the absence of GOD anything is possible"
I put before you life & death
Chose Life, that you and your children may live
~ God of crazy bronze age sheep herders
Again with the polar bears.
If Dawkins just tipped over and died, perhaps science itself might begin to swirl around in a great vortex before finally being sucked out of existence like in that Jumanji movie.
Then the ill-conceived science machines we are all typing on would simply van
You said: No, if anyone wants to love me for who I am I'm fine with that. I love a lot of religious people too. I also love a lot of other atheists, including my family. I would love my mom if she was a believer, but it would still make me sad to know she expected God to show me how fundamentally "wrong" I was some day.
I say: I do love you for who you are. That's why you're here, and that's why I asked you to come on the 9/11 show and share your story. (Thanks, by the way. I forgot to send out thanks to everyone for that.)
I think I can speak for Babba here. She can correct me if I am wrong. Neither of us believe it matters whether you believe in God or not. What matters is your righteousness. According to both the New and Old Testaments, Abraham's Faith in the Law was credited to him as righteousness.
You seem like a righteous person to me, and that's why I love having you here.
As Dennis Prager says, "There are only two kinds of people in the world, the decent, and the indecent."
You are among the decent, in my opinion.
Babba, take it away. Am I right, or am I right?
of course, right
You said: Anonymous said...
Again with the polar bears.
If Dawkins just tipped over and died, perhaps science itself might begin to swirl around in a great vortex before finally being sucked out of existence like in that Jumanji movie.
Then the ill-conceived science machines we are all typing on would simply van
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:31:00 PM
Thanks for hating me so exquisitely.
Dawkins is the poster boy he is because he well represents the proposition that without a moral compass any position is defensible and valid and as moral as any other.
One doesn't need to believe in any sort of god to have a moral compass, only to know which way is north when you determine a way to live.
But this moron turns a debate on the perversity of logic in defense of any position into the meaning of jesus and the 10 commandments vs Oepidal love and NAMBLA and partial birth abortion at 8 1/2 months.
I don't LURVE him.
On the other hand Babba I could easily lurve you
What do you think would have if you are Richard Dawkins were locked in the same room?
Oh I think he would be enraged and I would fall asleep
Ooh, ohh, ohh, pick me ...
She thinks he would "dick" her, because secretly she wants to be "dicked" by Richard Dawkins.
ohhhh eeeww eeeegad not!
Oh, come on, Babba, admit it. You have some sort of bizarre Freudian eros/thanatos relationship with the dark side.
not really.
but I do know some bad ass MFers
No, that's me again. The vampire fan, remember? :}
Also Snape from the Harry Potter series. Her majesty Ms. Rowling says everyone who liked him is basically evil at heart. Including all the kids. Any of those should get exiled to Slytherin.
No wonder I have a bit of a jaundiced viewpoint.
Revere Rides Again,
You seem to have an "Exiled" complex.
I am an adopted person. I understand the feeling of Exile.
I am Moses sent down a river on a basket.
hmmmm, you mean this blog might be populated by .... MIS-FITS?
The Island of Misfit Toys!
Dude must read here
"People who reject the theory of evolution should be placed on a level with Holocaust deniers, argues an author in his controversial new book," headlined the London Times when the book came out there last month. Yet not a peep from the ADL.
In his last book, The God Delusion , Dawkins used incredibly offensive language in characterizing the God of the Hebrew Bible, whom he called among other things, "a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."
Now in a Newsweek interview he repeats the insult, saying: "The God of the Old Testament is a monster. It's very, very hard for anybody to deny that. He's like a hyped-up Ayatollah Khomeini." Asked by Newsweek's Lisa Miller where this leaves the "90 percent of Americans [who] say they believe in God" and of whom "some portion...are intelligent people," Dawkins replies, "But they wouldn't disagree with what I said about the God of the Old Testament. They'd probably say something like, 'Oh, that's quite different. We believe in the God of the New Testament.'"
This places Jews among the portion of believing Americans who would have to be characterized as unintelligent. Miller calls Dawkins on this. He then says of Jews: "Well, sure enough. They'd say, 'OK, we've moved on since that time.' Thank goodness they have."
In other words, you can be an intelligent Christian who takes his Bible at least somewhat seriously, but not an intelligent Jew who does the same. And this is a statement, from a very prominent public intellectual, a popular and respected scientist and author, that neither the ADL nor any other Jewish anti-defamation group I'm aware of sees fit to protest? I find this bewildering.
The same Richard Dawkins paid a backhanded compliment to the "Jewish Lobby" a couple of years back in the Guardian , expressing the wish that if only atheists could throw their weight around like the Jews do, then how wonderful that would be: "When you think about how fantastically successful the Jewish lobby has been, though, in fact, they are less numerous I am told -- religious Jews anyway -- than atheists and [yet they] more or less monopolise American foreign policy as far as many people can see. So if atheists could achieve a small fraction of that influence, the world would be a better place" (emphasis added).
There you have it. Not only does he trivialize the intellectual offense of Holocaust denial. Not only does he say the only intelligent Jews are either Christian converts or secularists. He tops it off by finding plausible the idea that a shadow "lobby" of Jews controls U.S. foreign policy.
Sounds like anti-Semitism to me.
What do you think, RRA?
I know FOR SURE that I am a misfit.
No doubt about it.
People have told me so all my life.
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