Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Transgenderscum Heckle 80 Year Old Woman For Speaking Out Against Man Displaying His Penis In Women's Locker Room

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

Along with Critical Race Theory and variations on the "inclusion" theme of multiple "gender identities", the dangerous and deranged hoax of "transsexualism" is spreading through not only the school system but the medical professions as well. It has already permeated the entertainment industry and the rest of popular culture and is corrupting systems from language to sports to children's "literature". In too few years the children who are being taught that "2+2=5" will join these trans-fascist thugs as its enforcers. Maybe the talk of "civil war" isn't as far-fetched as I persist in believing it to be.

Oh, and that will happen long before all those unwanted babies women and girls are forced to have will be ready to take up arms...