Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama's official policy - If I think you're too well off BY COMPARISON, I AM ENTITLED TO SEIZE THE FRUIT OF YOUR LABOR AND MIND

Yesterday, Barack Obama made one of the most astonishing mini speeches to a plumber I have ever heard in a prez election.
It's here.

marx_demo from each.jpg"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too." says the Obama.

So, instead of scholarship grants to those who have the aptitude and intelligence, but not the assets for, say an EE degree specializing in photo voltaic research, he is going to have the govt under the threat of violence (which IS what we grant the govt here) seize the assets of those who have worked hard, and send checks to others he thinks should get them.

Now he wasn't talking to some Heinz inheritor, or child of of a rich landed Senator, or some lottery winning ne'er do well ..Obama was talking to a plumber.

And as I understand it, those who already don't pay taxes, will get a check from those who are doing well, instead of a tax cut. Why waste time with ACORN buying fraudulent Obama voter registrations ?

Just hold auctions in every county.

I remember when Walter Mondale was the model of someone too liberal. But today out of fear of the economy we are going to elect an outright, WHAT ... what is the word for someone who believes the govt has the innate right to as much of your property as they deem necessary for others, a right as inalienable as any moved towards in 1776?

marx_demo is the raod to socialism.jpgAnyone here trust Pelosi, Reid, Frank with the money, even if morally obtained?

This election is going to make the partisan divide bitterly irreparable.

Voter fraud, Obama's history, the vengefulness of the left, the attacks on critics....

In the back ground of the freely elected democratically dominated congress which has already made its preference for silencing vocal criticism known, and a presidential nominee who has tried to criminalize same, lies the ability to appoint judges who will change the world via legislation from the bench, and NOT just in the Supreme Court. The lauded EXCEPTIONAL ruling of 1954 which altered the world correctly to insist on equal opportunity is now made the case, and the model, whenever a group wants to change the nature of the republic to something other.

Barack Obama is not fit to be president of THIS nation of 1789, or 1865, or 1918, or 1932, or 1941, or 2001. Is he fit for 2008?

Are we ready to turn the govt over to people all of whom believe the govt is all instead of us helping ourselves?

We get the govt we deserve.


Always On Watch said...

The bolder Obama gets, the more he reveals his agenda of wealth redistribution.

Damien said...


Conservatives are more likely to reject science when it comes to biology, but liberals are more likely to reject science when it comes to economics. There is no evidence that socialism works.

Anonymous said...

The very acts of the government that will cause the citizen militias to rise up will also incite the general public to resist and seek skilled leadership.