Wednesday, October 15, 2008

BBC Director General: We Should Treat Islam More Sensitively Than Christianity

What a dhimmi idiot.

I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating. Business, Government and Religion are all powerful institutions which help mediate society. It is absolutely necessary that we, as citizens, be able to criticize any locus of power within our society. 

If we are not able to criticize a locus of power, then that power can continue, unchecked, to increase its power. Unchecked power is very dangerous to society.

So then, why is it that the Director General of the BBC thinks we should treat Islam with kid gloves? 

BBC director general Mark Thompson has admitted that the broadcaster has to tackle Islam differently to Christianity and is reluctant to broadcast jokes about it.

He suggested that coverage needed to consider the feelings of Muslims because they are a religious minority, and had not fully integrated in to British society.

Mr Thompson was responding to comments made by comedian Ben Elton earlier this year who accused the BBC of being too scared to joke about Islam.

He said the corporation was too concerned with political correctness to poke fun at imams but were happy to satirise vicars.

Stephen Green, director of Christian Voice, said: 'Mr Thompson seems to be saying that because Islam is a minority religion it should be treated with kid gloves.

'This is ridiculous. All religions should be treated with equally and with the same approach. I think the reality is that the BBC treats coverage of Islam and Muslims differently because it is terrified of offending them. It is political correctness. The BBC is simply not bothered about offending Christians despite the majority of this country being of that faith.'

John Beyer, director of Mediawatch, said: 'All religions need to be treated in the same way, otherwise how can the BBC claim to be impartial?

'I think that any approach to religious debate and discussion that is not impartial is not what the BBC should be doing.'


Anonymous said...

Mark Thompson, you pee like a little girl you dhimmi parasite.

And ibloga, as much as I adore Kim's cleaveage, the fact that infidel babes of the WEEK typically stay up for like 7 to 21 or more days is really messing with my sense of time. This week I missed getting the garbage out to the curb in time in part because of your irresponsible little experiment in time-dilation.

Maybe you could just create a 'Babe of the decade' space instead. That would be far less work to stay on top of.

You could easily fill the spot with one Monika Vesela - the infinitely desirable EARTHLY seventy-third virgin whose very existence fills dead splodey-dopes with abject despair and utter gloom.


Damien said...


BBC director general Mark Thompson thinks the British people need to be sensitive to Muslims because they are a minority and have not integrated into British society. All the more reason to be insensitive. They have to learned that they don't have the right to silence those people who disagree with them. Stand up to them now, before they become too powerful.

I don't know if Mr Thomson is a dhimmi idiot, but if he isn't than he's most likely a dhimmi coward. I'm not sure if he said what he said because he genuinely believes it, or if he's a coward, who's afraid of getting murdered by Jihadists if someone on his network upsets them.

Always On Watch said...

I take one afternoon/evening/night off from the web to go hear David Horowitz speak and come back to this???

Watching this oncoming train wreck is infuriating!

I'm watching the West commit ideological suicide.

The Merry Widow said...

What AOW said!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
