Friday, September 04, 2009

Some Schools Still Have Some Common Sense

So, Uncle Barry wants to give a speech to schoolkids. And they wanted the kids to “Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. “

Needless to say this sat not well with many. Many are planning to keep thier kids home. Others are deluging the school districts with angry phone calls.

Some bloggers agreed with keeping them home. Others say what's the harm, even though they are virulently anti-Obama.

The idea, the speech, the homework, smack of Totalitarianism. Of indoctrination. Uncle Joe did it in Mother Russia.

Now, I'm not comparing Uncle Barry to Uncle Joe. He's not near as heinous as Stalin.

But even a petty tyrant has to start somewhere. . .

Fortunately, at least for now, I need not worry about it at our schools.

This is from the front page of our school districts website.

My daughter thought she was going to get to stay home Tuesday :)

Information about President Obama's Speech to School Children
Yesterday afternoon we learned that President Obama would like to give a speech to students on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 12:00 noon. We have decided not to air the speech at that time and we have asked teachers not to show it in their classrooms. It is best practice for us to preview materials before we utilize them with students, so we plan to have the speech taped. After the speech has aired, our Administrative Team of Principals and Central Office Personnel will meet to review the material to determine how it can best be incorporated and in what grade levels, if any. If we decide to use the speech in our classrooms, we will inform parents prior to its showing.


Opus #6 said...

Your district is ballsy.

My local schools told me they don't have the cable or TVs in the classrooms to do it, so they won't. Only problem is, one big stimulus check can take care of that problem....

midnight rider said...

Ours is one of the bigger and better permorming (on many levels) districts in the region. Whether being ballsy is a cause or effect of that I don't know :)

I (mostly) like our district alot.

Always On Watch said...

Some school districts in Virginia aren't participating.

Northern Virginia will, of course. **snert**

Pastorius said...

Vinne at My Pet Jawa, whom you linked to withn this article, is arrogant and wrong on this subject.

The point is not whether we as parents can counter Obama's arguments. The point is, Obama has no right to be speaking to our children directly in a school setting in the first place.

This is an unprecedented move in the history of America.

And therefore, the point in keeping our children home is to register oneself as a protester.

That's the point, Vinnie.

midnight rider said...

Pasto -- agreed. But I felt better using Vinnie as an example of those who see this as harmless than I would have using Charles :)

Pastorius said...

I think it's good to be aware of the people in our midst who don't get it.

Vinnie is duly noted as an arrogant fool.

By the way, here's a question Vinnie should ask himself:

Why should our children be asked what they can do to help the President?

Our children don't owe the President anything.

In case he's forgotten, THE PRESIDENT WORKS FOR US.