Friday, April 09, 2021

Molon Labe you motherfuckers

A dozen years ago we had quite the excitement at the house late one evening when a young ne’er-do-well wannabe in a black hoodie worn thug style decided to walk through our front door uninvited unannounced and most unwelcome.

The dog went crazy my wife and daughter started hollering and I came charging up from the family room pistol drawn. I carried in the house (and everywhere else) then and still do today.

The young ne’er-do-well quickly decided the thug life was not to his liking that evening and fled into the night before I had a chance to insert my trigger finger into the trigger guard.

Had he not things would have ended quite differently and considerably more violently for, as you will note, there was no time during this little ballet where any of us had time to call the police let alone wait for them to arrive.

And so it happens so many times a day, so many thousands of times a year, across America where the mere presence of a firearm disrupts a crime without having to be fired. And sadly there are times when it must be fired of course when the wannabe thug just will not take not for an answer.

To hear the media and progressive left tell it though you would think the only purpose for a firearm is indiscriminate killing of innocents. And well we must prevent that don’cha know. We must keep America safe from herself. We have only the public good in mind.

They have been trying for a long time of course, but mostly half heartedly because they cannot get all their own people on board.

There are over 100,000,000 gun owners in America who own well over 300,000,000 guns. And millions more who by choice or circumstance are staunch supporters of gun rights. Pro-gun is more likely the consensus in this country than they would have you believe.

And the gun owners are not just all right side conservatives. I personally know a great many progressives and even a few socialists (yes they are) who more than one firearm. Even the feared dreaded evil AR-15 (that AR stands for Armalite by the way, the company that makes them, not Assault Rifle like the anti-gunners want you to believe. No such beast actually exists.

And that ownership cuts across all other bounds such as race creed gender sexual orientation and such.

Our Congresscritters know this and are in no hurry to vote themselves out of a job (though many oppose gun control on truly ethical grounds which proves Congress and Ethical are not always mutually exclusive).

Joe Biden know this, or did at one time anyway, and so does Kamala Harris and the rest of their cohorts. They know there are Democrats who could or would never vote for a gun grab for fear of losing their job and they know Republicans would almost certainly insist on an open type vote so everyone would have to state publicly how they voted.

So they choose the end run. Executive orders to enact gun control. Win by any means possible. And even if it is challenged in court it could take years to work its way through during which time the E.O. would still be in effect. Sure the next President could reverse the E.O. but that is at least four years away as well and as this past election showed us we cannot count on a victory.

While today Biden went after stabilizing braces (an accessory that actually gives you better control over an AR style pistol) and “ghost guns” which do not really exist. Federal law requires whenever a firearm actually is capable for firing, be it homemade or manufactured, it must be serialized, the most ominous e.o. encourages “red flag” laws which help friends or relatives In notifying authorities if a “loved one” should not be allowed a firearm on mental health grounds. You can imagine the deviltry that could ensue with that.

We all know it is not going to stop there. In for a penny in for a ound. Sooner or later they will geta round to all the other guns, whether they be semi-auto “assault rifles” or pistols, regular semi auto rifles, pistols that can hold more than 6 or 8 or 10 rounds (goodbye dear Glocks)(and the venerable 1911).

When that happens you will no longer need to worry about getting a bit of blood on the carpet if an intrusion goes sideways. All you will need do is throw a plastic ketchup bottle at the bad guy. And this will be all well and good until you are labeled a racist when it’s discovered the bad guy with the knife or gun that you gave a bongee on the noggin was actually a black cross dressing transgender drag queen and that was certainly your reason for not wanting him/her to come uninvited unannounced and unwelcomed into your home.

The hypocrisy behind this is stunning. Both Biden and Harris have admitted to being gun owners. Biden during the 2016 debates when he said he told Jill if ever someone was trying to get in the house just walk out on the balcony with one of his shotguns and fire a round into the air to scare them off. We’ll not even discuss how dangerous an action that is except to say that even the police are taught to never fire a warning shot (if you believe otherwise it is time to switch to some different television programs).

Harris has stated on several occasions, while trying to convince us she wasn’t coming for the guns, that she keeps a pistol by her bedside for protection.

And then there is Hunter who lied on a Federal form when purchasing a handgun. And if that wasn’t bad enough he further felonied by disposing, or having his girlfriend dispose of, that handgun in a dumpster near a school. But there are no charges as far as I know being brought against him (that old Biden name don’cha know). If we are not going to enforce the laws we have now what makes us think any new ones will help? And what makes us think the bad guys will suddenly become law abiding citizens?

An even bigger question is will both Biden and Harris comply with their own gun grabs when the time comes that his precious Purdy and her bed stand bodyguard are now illegal under their own Executive Orders.

Well of course they won’t and we know why. They told us themselves.

“To scare the bad guys off” “To protect myself and my family”

And there it is.

The purpose has never been to protect Americans from themselves of course. To stop gun violence. To end the slaughter of the innocents.

The purpose is and always has been to protect themselves

From us

When they overstep the bounds and strip away more and more of our freedoms.

We saw how scared they are of us in their reaction in the aftermath of January 6. When not one of the protestors fired a weapon. In fact the only weapon used with deadly force was a gun fired by Capitol police, protecting them from us of course, that killed an unarmed woman. And again no repercussions that I know of.

Now D.C, is starting to resemble Berlin in the 1960s but I’ll let you decide which side is which.

Americans are seeing through all this and know trouble is coming.

We are all now me a dozen years ago, running toward the ne'er-do-well thug at the door and hoping he doesn't do something stupid. While the thug wishes we did not have that damn pesky gun between him and his goal.

I attend a lot of gun shows. And in recent months I have seen several occasions where the gentlemen in the plain cloths and straw hats are sitting and waiting for their background check on a new pistol.

When the Amish are gunning up you know there is trouble in The New Promised Land.


thelastenglishprince said...

Citizens must be allowed equal firepower to law enforcement for Americans to remain free.

MSM always tells us about gun violence, but never how a well-armed gun owner saved his family. These are the stories that are never Trump-eted.

Biden informs us that no Amendment is an absolute. The Democrats are in the business of eroding liberty and destroying what it means to be an American.

Take the passion to the polls. Let's push back against a socialist/Communist agenda in our nation where the elite rule with iron glove against the vastly peaceful population.

Always On Watch said...

The Amish are gunning up, too, huh? An important sign of our times!

Pastorius said...

Great post, MR. Thanks.