Tuesday, June 08, 2021

The Mass Psychosis and the Demons of Dostoevsky

“Just when people were congratulating themselves on having abolished [the belief in demons], it turned out that instead of haunting the attic or old ruins the [demons] were flitting about in the heads of apparently normal Europeans. Tyrannical, obsessive, intoxicating ideas and delusions were abroad everywhere, and people began to believe the most absurd things, just as the possessed do.” Carl Jung, After the Catastophe


Always On Watch said...

Good find, Pasto.

Most Likely II said...

"Thereby, the ferocity with which I abandon my Christianity in the protection of Societal Agreement compounds itself out of indignation and fear of potential eternal consequence. So too, the ferocity with which I abandon Societal Agreement will be compounded by the intense displeasure at how it requires me to abandon my Christianity and therefore, risk the hereafter." - J.M. Thomas R., TERMS, 2012 PP 100-101.