Thursday, October 07, 2010

Video: George Carlin Doesn't Vote

Yes, I know he's dead.

Watch the video:

I don't agree with everything he says in this clip. But he does make a few good points about how we got into this mess. WE THE PEOPLE voted the mess in!

Now, can we vote out the mess and keep it out?


SamenoKami said...

When you invite the bear cub into the house and it grows up to be a grizzly bear, you may not get it out of the house. It may eat you instead.

Silverfiddle said...

Carlin was good a pissing people off, which means he was making people think. I always liked his stuff even if I did not always agree.

He got pretty erratic at the end. One video would be funny, the next one an unfunny, ranting acid attack on the sensibilities of everyone...

RIP George!

Alexander Münch said...

Good Pick AOW !

And yes Silverfiddle,

RIP George!