Thursday, May 05, 2011

Obama: The Dark Visitor

Obama recently sent in a team of professional killers to wipe out Osama and his entourage in their home. Many of the Muslims were shot to death, unarmed and unresisting. Nice work, and I thank Obama for it. He didn't pull the triggers and shed the blood himself, but he's the mind that did the work. I like it. Obama is openly becoming a genuine killer. I look forward to the time we can all get the dvd of Obama's Greatest Hits.

More at:


Dag said...

He's given up the cigarettes and has gone for smoking people. What a guy, our president. I like it!

Ashan said...

"...he's the mind that did the work."
I humbly disagree. Barry was dragged off the golf course after 16 hours of dithering. He was still in his golf clothes when they staged that picture in the situation room in front of what we now know was a blank screen. He was hunched over in his seat like a minor player.

His mind did not do the work. Intelligence analysts, the interrogators and SEAL Team 6 did the real work. Barry did the victory lap and photo ops for his campaign.

Dag said...

I'm thinking that no one followed up on the link here.

I was satirizing Obama and crew by pointing out that they are killing more people without the benefit of time at a Cuban prison than the Republicans ever did. That the Left can praise this and condemn the rest of the nation for less is to show how sick and dirty the Left is. They are truly psychopaths, and no, they do not have the charm of Dexter Morgan.

I didn't post the whole thing here because there is often so much copy on a page that I can't get through it all before my finger tires from scrolling. I keep it brief enough to, I think, give an idea of what I write, and I leave it at that. Win some, flub some.