Sunday, September 10, 2017

OIC Says, Islam Is An Intellectual and Scientific Religion

Radiant Pig

And Denial is not a river in Egypt.

From Arab News:
OIC Secretary-General Yousef Al-Othaimeen, in a speech before the opening session, said that this summit is a historic event, since it will be the first summit for OIC heads of state and government dedicated to promoting and developing the science and technology he described as “empowering tools,” and factors promoting social and economic development in these states. 
Al-Othaimeen said: “The summit is unique, since it emphasizes that Islam is an intellectual and scientific religion seeking to liberate people from delusions and fantasies and fight against extremism.” 
He further announced the development of the organization’s document, following intensive discussions with 157 scholars and technical experts from 20 member states.
I'd like to see a list of those "scholars".


Always On Watch said...

I call BS on that.

Pastorius said...

They're trying out a "Re-Branding".

Anonymous said...

Wish them luck. Reverting 14 centuries of ignorance and indoctrination will not be easy. But I agree with AoW, just BS