Thursday, September 07, 2017

The Art Of The Deal

This morning, various talking heads, including some politicians, are whining because President Trump cut a deal with the Democrats.

From GOP livid after Trump cuts deal with Democrats, at Politico (dated September 6, 2017):
President Donald Trump's and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's tête-à-tête on Tuesday — after a summer of sniping between the two — lifted Republican hopes that the GOP was finally back in sync ahead of a brutal fall of fiscal deadlines.

Not 24 hours later, the president cut a deal with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase opposed by McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Just Wednesday morning, in fact, Ryan had scoffed at the Democratic offer that Trump accepted minutes later....
Read the rest HERE.

Well, GOPe, in your hurry to go on yet another of your recesses, you didn't fulfill your promise to repeal ObamaCare. And you are dragging their feet on tax reform and, of course, the Wall. Did you really expect President Trump to wring his hands and do nothing?

President Trump calls out the GOPe.

Related? McCain Throws Support Behind Graham-Cassidy Obamacare Repeal Effort.


Pastorius said...

Trump always said it's all about the deals.

A businessman works on many deals at once. If one of the clients falls through, he makes a deal with another. He gives himself the options. He doesn't wait for things to come to him.

Anonymous said...

image depicts comment/images of tweets related to comment suggesting POTUS pulled off the biggest coup imaginable today, playing the UNIParty - resulting in flurry of responsive activity/tweets recognizing they've been played

WC said...

Trump is neither a conservative nor a Republican. He ran as an independent using the GOP and is an ally to conservatives. So this is no surprise that he acted independently from his 'party'.

Always On Watch said...

Yes, indeed!

Always On Watch said...


From the git-go, Trump said, "America has a management problem." True enough.

Always On Watch said...

I'm actually enjoying watching the flurry of responsive activity/tweets recognizing they've been played.

The GOPe deserves to be stomped.

Pastorius said...

This is what all those who voted for Obama THOUGHT they were getting, when they heard him say he was not going to do business as usual.

BUT, if they would have really listened they would have heard "fundamentally transform the United States", and they would have known what that meant given the people he had associated himself with.