Burqa Babe Aaminah picks her Islamofashion faves.

The perfect way to tell the rest of the human race that you are not one of them.
The Burqa is the chains of modern female slavery. The Burqa is a portable concentration camp.
The Burqa is the Dawa Death Shroud.
It's a kind of post-natal abortion, isn't it?
In a way, yes it is a sort of post natal abortion, although their motives are a bit different. A woman who has an abortion, (other than in the rare instance to save her own life) has an abortion because she doesn't want the child. These women want their children to be born so that they can die for the cause for them.
So then, maybe we should call it post-natal abortion as performance art.
So then, maybe we should call it post-natal abortion as performance art.
No, no, Pastorius, it's only girls and women, and they're not as important as fetuses. Just ask any pro-lifer. It's strictly fetus life they care about, not women. Fetuses have "souls" from the moment of conception, y'know, but women lose their souls when they're f****d. If you don't cover up women they get uppity ideas about controlling their bodies and making love without the local god's stamp of approval, and marrying whom they please. They get "feminist" notions about careers. They don't want marriages arranged by daddy where the men "wear the pants" and their word is law and if you don't obey you get the crap beat out of you because that male god in the sky has decreed that you are worth only a fraction of the one with the penis.
It is always there below the surface, people. The Muslims have only codified it.
I'm bummed this morning because Carlin died, so the least I can do out of respect is indulge in a little sarcasm.
Good point, and well put.
I hadn't heard until now that George Carlin had died.
He was my favorite comedian when I was a kid.
That is sad.
We are so going to miss him over the next few years, especially should disaster befall in November. I mean, can you just hear Carlin on the topic of an Obama presidency?
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