Monday, May 23, 2011

Eric Cantor: it's not about 1967 lines

As the Weekly Standard quotes:
Eric Cantor, in a speech delivered at AIPAC yesterday, said the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians "is not about the '67 lines." Instead, Cantor argued, "it is a culture infused with resentment and hatred. It is this culture that underlies the Palestinians' and the broader Arab world's refusal to accept Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state. This is the root of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians."
More clearly, it's about the teachings of Islamofascism. That's where the main problem lies. More of Cantor's speech to AIPAC can be found here.


Unknown said...

No matter where the borders are the problem wont dissapear ,because the problem is not about borders or states or US Presidents for that matter.As long as nobody is willing to call out the real cause and name it by it's rightfull name NOTHING WILL CHANGE ,PEACE WILL ONLY COME WHEN ALL JEWS ARE KILLED ,because the problem is ISLAM that calls for the destruction of every Jew.And as long as Islam and the Koran are not CHANGED ,peace will not happen ,not in the past 1400 years and not in the next 1400 years.That's the simple truth.

Unknown said...

And just look at Egypt ,no more Jews we start with the other infidels ,because it all comes down to one thing..."There can only be one" and that's Islam.