Monday, May 23, 2011


Whether you're laughing at Obama and the limo or listening to me bitch about the jobs situation please remember places like Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Joplin Missouri and homes and livelihoods all along the Mississippi where people have suddenly found themselves in a harder place and more desperate situation than you or I.


Unknown said...

I feel really bad for these people really i do,may God give them strenght,but at the same time this warning comes to mind:
"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you"

(Gen 12:3)

Anonymous said...

An impossible nightmare to awake to. Prayers go up, donation goes out.

An odd observation of this devastating tornado . . .as the storm clears, beyond the miracle of saved lives, is the tender mercy of fair weather in which these dazed survivors muddle their way to safety and reunion - neither freezing nor unbearably hot. God have mercy.

Anonymous said...

I saw these photos and I was worried,

that this would impact big O's vacation....

then I saw him hoisting a pint with the klingon and phew I new he was unphased,

everything was alright....

Anonymous said...

on a personal note the tornados have been getting pretty close to home, one touched down thursday about 2 miles from my house. I stood out in the hail, coming down like marbles, 3 inches deep, high wind and storm so I could spot it and get the family under the house.

luckily it was headed in the oposite direction and headed out into open fields instead.

Pastorius said...

I didn't know you called Michelle the Klingon. That's funny.

I hope all the tornadoes miss your house. Maybe you should put some lamb's blood on your doorframe.