Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Pointer Sisters



Pastorius said...

Did you know this is a Bruce Springsteen song?

midnight rider said...

Yup. I have a copy of his version although I like this one better.

midnight rider said...

The lyrics almost scream Spingsteen, don't they?

Pastorius said...

Yes, they sure do.

When I found out this was his song, it was like, "Of course, it's his song. That explains it."

He also co-wrote Because the Night with Patti Smith, which screams SPRINGSTEEN as well.

Dude is a good songwriter. I really love his Hammersmith Odeon live album. But, I don't much like anything he did after that.

midnight rider said...

Yeah, Because the Night is Another.

The Odeon DVD footage is great vintage stuff. Springsteen as he was in concert before he got too big for his britches. I was to a concert like that of his right when Darkness on the Edge of Town came out.

Then, when the Born in the USA tour happened, it all had changed.