Saturday, September 09, 2017

AG Sessions Declines to Charge Lois Lerner in IRS Scandal

Can our world get any stupider?

Why yes, Pastorius, it can.

AG Sessions Declines to Charge Lois Lerner in IRS Scandal

Make America Grate Again!


Anonymous said...

Wasn't Lois Lerner offered immunity with nothing reciprocated? Is this why Sessions declines to charge her?

Pastorius said...

Maybe. I don't know.

Anonymous said...

"Take the IRS case. The House Oversight Committee, led at the time by Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), blew it, allowing the IRS’ Lois Lerner to deliver a statement proclaiming innocence and then claiming Fifth Amendment protection from having to answer any questions. Committee member Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) nearly flew out of his seat to point out that she had just forfeited her immunity."

Anonymous said...

As if Hillary 5 & McCabe receiving full immunity with nothing reciprocated wasn't bad enough, it only gets worse: FBI: Awans Finalizing Immunity Deals with DOJ in Exchange For Testimony on Members of Congress

No immunity for espionage before . . .but now?

Anonymous said...

Trump or no Trump we are going down the whole. He is just one man, and the system is rigged in favor of those who hate this country and what it has always stood for.
Truly depressing.