Saturday, September 09, 2017

High School Teacher Who Called Kids NAZIs For Wearing MAGA Shirts Fired

From Gateway Pundit:
Lyn Orletsky, a math teacher at River Ridge High School in Cherokee County Georgia, was recently caught on tape berating students and kicking them out of class simply for wearing Make America Great Again shirts. 
In the incredibly troubling video , Orletsky is heard comparing the notion of believing in this country to Nazism: 
“Just like you cannot wear a swastika to school, you cannot wear Make America Great Again like that.” 
The patriotic students were then humiliated and asked to leave the classroom. TPN was tipped off to Orletsky’s termination by an anonymous source from within River Ridge High School. 
Through this source, we have been able to obtain a letter sent to the parents of Orletsky’s students notifying that they have terminated her position and are starting a search for a new teacher. 
Independently, Turning Point News was able to confirm that this letter is authentic and comes from a reputable source close to the situation. 
“The purpose of this correspondence is to provide you with an update on your child’s math class,” the letter signed by school principal Darrell Herring reads. 
“Ms. Orletsky no longer is your child’s math teacher, effective immediately.” The letter also informs that the school is searching for an “experienced educator to teach these classes for the rest of the school year.” 
Reportedly, according to the letter, Herring informed teachers and faculty at River Ridge High School of “all federal and state laws restricting political activity among teachers” at public, taxpayer funded schools.


Anonymous said...

Good sign sanity prevails

Always On Watch said...

Lyn Orletsky is apparently a very, very stupid person.

Georgia is not the venue for saying such things. And her berating of the students is beyond the pale.

Anonymous said...

I bet she is in the Antifa list recently published by Anonymous. That woman is a hater, no doubt about it.