Saturday, September 09, 2017

Rep. Rohrabacher Calls for Hearings on Clinton Foundation-Russia Connection After Assange Meeting Rep. Rohrabacher Calls for Hearings on Clinton Foundation-Russia Connection After Assange Meeting

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher has called on House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce to approve hearings on alleged corruption involving Russia and the Clinton Foundation, the global non-profit organization set up by former president Bill Clinton and his wife, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. 
Mrs. Clinton ran for president as the Democrat nominee in 2016. Noting evidence that Russian financiers donated heavily to the foundation, the California Republican, who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats, proposed an “under-oath examination of the relationship between the donations and the 2013 CFIUS approval of the sale of America’s uranium reserves.” 
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States is the government’s interagency body that reviews and authorizes investments in and purchases by foreign entities of American companies. 
Rohrabacher’s letter, sent to Royce on Wednesday, cites “new evidence that the Obama Administration had prior knowledge of possible bribery and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act involving state-owned Russian nuclear industry figures, the Clinton Foundation, and other Americans prior to the CFIUS approval of the uranium transaction.” 
As much as 20 percent of the reserves were transferred to Russia because of the deal, said Rohrabacher. 
The congressman also suggested the hearings look into Russian energy interests that provided financial support to a campaign to undermine the American fracking industry and the construction of oil and gas pipelines in this country. 
“We can no longer wait,” said Rohrabacher, “to fully inform the American people of alleged criminal collusion by the previous Administration with the Russians.” 
Last week Rep. Rohrabacher told Sean Hannity he was 99% certain that the Russian collusion narrative is a total lie. 
This week he doubled down and repeated the accusation. Tonight on Hannity Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said the Russian collusion scandal is the biggest political scandal in US history. Rep. Rohrabacher: 
Once we know the Russians weren’t involved, then we have to understand that this massive propaganda campaign, this historic con-job that happened after the election to prevent our president from exercising the powers granted to him by the voters, this is one of the great political crimes committed against the American people in our history.



Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton Releases Powerful Statement Following DOJ’s Decision Not to Charge Lois Lerner in IRS Scandal

I have zero confidence that the Justice Department did an adequate review of the IRS scandal. In fact, we’re still fighting the Justice Department and the IRS for records about this very scandal. Today’s decision comes as no surprise considering that the FBI collaborated with the IRS and is unlikely to investigate or prosecute itself. President Trump should order a complete review of the whole issue. Meanwhile, we await accountability for IRS Commissioner Koskinen, who still serves and should be drummed out of office.

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