Friday, September 08, 2017

Honest Bishop Answers Question, "Why Are Catholics Not Proselytizing Muslims”?


Always On Watch said...

I've been asking this same question of many self-labored Believers. Most recently, an evangelical waffled and said to me, "Islam is an Abrahamic faith" -- as if that releases her from testifying about her Saviour.


Lukewarm -- at best.

And what did Jesus say about lukewarm?

Pastorius said...

Islam is an Abrahamic faith which lies about the two primary sacrifice stories of the Bible.

The Devil quotes scriptures and twists it into something beyond recognition.

Islam is a religion of Satan.

Anonymous said...

Yeap! Pasto is 100% correct. Islam is based on lies and deceit. Christianity brought light, goodness and forgiveness (if men later twisted the ideology, it was certainly not the ideology of its Creator.) Islam and Mohammad brought darkness, evil and hatred. It was the dark, negative force needed to counter Jesus's work. It is definitely a Satanic ideology.

Always On Watch said...

I pointed out all that. All that I got was a blank stare.

Pod people.

Pastorius said...

The tenets of our faith don't matter to people, so they don't recognize the danger when those tenets are twisted into Satanic lies.