Friday, September 08, 2017

Is This A Threat? (Wth addendum from AOW)

North Korea Openly Threatens EMP Attack On U.S. For First Time Ever

Because it sure sounds like a threat.

And I remember Mattis said "Any threat to the United States or its territories, including Guam, or our allies will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming."

So, is Trump going to get off his ass and do something now?

Or was his threat, also, just an empty, idle, hipster, LOSER threat?

What the fuck kind of country is this "Make America Great Again"?


Please read Attack Would Send America into a Dark Age (dated September 2009). Excerpt:
In a matter of seconds, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack or a geomagnetic storm would set America back to the 14th century, Gale Nordling, president of a company that protects against such a catastrophe, tells Newsmax.

An EMP attack occurs when a nuclear bomb explodes in the atmosphere. The electromagnetic pulse generated by the blast fries all electronics in line of sight. EMP was first detected after the detonation of the Starfish Prime nuclear test on July 9, 1962. While the explosion occurred near Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean and was not designed to be an EMP blast, it blew out street lamps, television sets, and telephone communications in Hawaii nearly 1,000 miles away.

A single nuclear bomb exploded over the Midwest would generate an electromagnetic pulse that would destroy the chips that are at the heart of every electronic device. While military and intelligence networks may be shielded against EMP, the rest of the country’s technological infrastructure is not.


“Water treatment facilities, food storage facilities, everything would be gone,” Nordling says. “Financial records would be wiped out. Your investments would be gone. Your medical records and prescriptions would be zapped.”

Forget about your computer and the Internet, heating and air conditioning, supermarkets, telephones, and radio and television. Banks and ATMs would shut down, credit cards would become useless, and hospital operating rooms would close.

While vehicles made before 1970 might still work, they would be useless. That’s because gasoline could not be obtained, and newer cars and trucks, disabled by the pulse, would block the roads and highways. In most cases, the damage to chips would be permanent. Because tow trucks would not operate, cars would never be cleared from roads.

The vast majority of Americans would die from starvation or disease or would freeze to death...
Read the rest HERE.


Is the above-cited article from Newsmax no longer applicable?

Maybe a commenter with knowledge of EMP could clue us in.


Always On Watch said...

The threat of an EMP attack is most certainly the second most dangerous threat (nuclear missile = the first most dangerous threat).

If KJU could pull off an EMP attack, say goodbye for a long time to Texas (Hurricane Harvey) and Florida (Hurricane Irma). Our economy would take decades to recover!

Furthermore, many medical procedures now rely on Wi-fi. Would not an EMP attack result in the deaths of thousands of patient deaths?


Always On Watch said...

In my view, the threat of an EMP attack is a greater threat than 9/11 was. We had some warning for 9/11, did we not? The warning was ignored. I think that the same thing is happening now!


Always On Watch said...

I have attached an addendum to your blog post.

Pastorius said...

Thank you, AOW.

Meanwhile, there are people out there who would make the case for Trump's lack of response.

I will say this: Trump seems to have shut his mouth finally. That is progress.

But if it isn't followed by a devastating and lightning quick comprehensive dismantling of the North Korean regime, then it is all for nothing.

Always On Watch said...

I will say this: Trump seems to have shut his mouth finally. That is progress.

I hope that means that he has something in place.

Pastorius said...

Me too.

Anonymous said...

The EMP from a solar flare or CME has different characteristics than one from a nuclear explosion. A solar-caused EMP does not have the potential of frying consumer or automotive electronic devices or computer systems. The nuclear EMP does.

The problem with the threat posed by an EMP pulse from a nuclear explosion is that nobody can predict which devices will get fried or what percent of what systems will get fried. Some devices will get fried while a device sitting next to it will not. For this reason it is a poor military weapon. It is a weapon of potential mass-disruption.

If North Korea finds it easy to make this threat to the US today, it will soon find it easy to make the threat to other nations as well. This is very dangerous. We could awake any day and find out that we have already have resumed the war that was never settled over three generations ago.

-- theBuckWheat

Pastorius said...

They could just as easily be victims of an EMP.

cjk said...

EMP ain't much of a threat when your populace doesn't have anything to disable, your military is already hardened against it and you're already in the midst of an endless famine.

Pastorius said...

Good point, cjk. My comment was not thought out well.