Thursday, September 07, 2017

Police Report Indicates Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Planted Computer For Investigators To Find


Anonymous said...

Nice encapsulation of Webb's investigation by Freeper "Hostage(Article V)":
Related to this tweet by G. Webb:

"Kwasi Owusu-Mensah was the IT guy at the Rayburn House Office Building where the laptop, documents, and importantly the letter to the US Attorney were found.
It was Kwasi that left all those materials and laptop out where it could be found and it was he that called anonymously the DC Capitol Police.
Why was is Kwasi?
First of all, Kwasi is innocent but he wasn’t supposed to be. Secondly, Imran is a bad buy, very bad. He will do anything for money, anything, and he will do anything to save his neck, including steering reporters and investigators towards innocent people.
Kwasi worked in the Rayburn building where he would order computer equipment from CDW and send it to where Imran instructed him. Imran was doping the equipment to continue his espionage efforts. Kwasi was a mere sales type of guy.
So Imran gets word that reporters and investigators are sniffing about and getting near his world, focusing on him. To throw them off the track, Imran sets out to put the blame on Kwasi.
Nice convenient redirection.
So what does Kwasi do when he sees what’s coming, when he’s looking at doing 30 years?
He sets out the laptop, the cards, and a letter to the US Attorney in the phone booth of the building and calls the Capitol Police. Now who would write a letter to the US Attorney? Imran? No. That letter was not written by Imran.
Rosiak needs to retract and do a better job. Rosiak is jealous of Webb who upstages him nearly every day. He should thank Webb but instead he whines and bitches.
Start about time 16:17 but look before that if you have the time:

Anonymous said...

McClatchyDC:Buried in backlog, Feds give top-secret clearances to murderers, rapists