Monday, March 09, 2009

Britain: Vile Muslim hate preacher Choudary talks about military coup as one of the options of taking over the UK

From Eye On The World:


Anonymous said...

when you cant do anything about your enemies living right in your midst, trying to kill you, and you know who they are,

you are doomed.

Pastorius said...

It's enraging. Obviously, the Brits could do something about it, but they choose not to. Lord knows why. Do they hate themselves?

christian soldier said...

The Dark Side:
l. writes its intent
2. speaks its intent
3. acts its intent
and I'm not talking just about Islam...
there are other perpetrators of the Dark Side....

Damien said...


I don't think it can be that they just hate themselves. I think that two of the biggest problems they have are that their leaders are cowards and they probably think they need Muslim votes to stay in power, maybe even radical Muslim votes. Although you would think this guy wouldn't be so open about it, unless he's at a place full of like minded people, in otherwords his fellow Jihadists. Where exactly did this seditious creep give his speech, anyway?

Anonymous said...

If Geert Wilders falls, then Freedom of speech is dead in Europe. We are launching an extensive International Action SITA including two possible texts ; one comparing Wilders and Winston Churchill and another Wilders and Charlie Chaplin:

2009/01/23/i-support-democrat-geert-winston-wilders-against-islamic-fascism-and-its-dhimmis (Winston Eng)

2009/01/23/i-support-democrat-geert-charlie-wilders-against-islamic-fascism (Charlie Eng)
To support Geert Wilders and our dearly acquired freedoms please participate to the 2 suggested actions and transmit this message to your friends owners of a website in order they publish it.
An other way to support Geert Wilders is to give some money. To donate:

Damien said...


I agree, we has a duty to do all that we can to help people like Wilders, and to stop the authorities from shutting them up. In the long run, our liberty depends on it!

Damien said...


By the way, in the begging of his speech. Choudary has the nerve to call us oppressive, just in case you didn't notice. Isn't that just cute? He advocates one of the most oppressive systems on earth and he has the gall to call the west oppressive. I guess they're like communists, their view of the world is often a perverse inverse of reality!

Anonymous said...

The EU equality law that will let 'upset' atheists sue companies that hang up crucifixes

Crucifixes in public places - including hospices - could provoke civil action under the new laws
Organisations which hang crucifixes on walls could be sued if they upset atheists under equality laws proposed by the European Union.
Any group offering a service to the public, including hospitals, charities, businesses and prisons, would be at risk.
Legislation may also allow Christians to bring an action against a hotel if it displayed something they deemed offensive - such as a poster for the 1979 Monty Python film The Life Of Brian.
There are already laws banning harassment in the workplace, but the new Brussels regulations are designed to offer people protection from providers of goods and services.
However, they are so broad that critics say they could lead to a spate of civil cases by anyone claiming their dignity has been violated by the 'hostile environment' of an organisation.
The Church of England says hospices or charities for the homeless could face legal action if people using their services felt degraded by their religious practices or symbols, such as the cross.
The Archbishops' Council even fears that charities could be challenged by atheists if grace is said before meals.
The Law Society says religious believers may also be able to launch a civil action for harassment.
In an official submission to the EU, the society said: 'For instance, in a shop or shared lodging house, there may be a notice board on which is posted material that some of those who see it will find offensive on religious grounds (for instance, a poster for a film, such as The Life Of Brian).'
The proposals, which go before EU governments for approval later this year, are part of a new directive outlawing discrimination by businesses on the grounds of sexual orientation, age, disability or belief.
If approved, it will become the latest in a swathe of European-inspired equality laws which critics say stifle freedom of speech and marginalise religion.
The Government tried to introduce a similar law in 2005 but dropped it after a resounding rejection by the House of Lords.
Peers feared it would encourage politically correct officials to stop public expressions of religion, such as carol services or Bibles by hospital bedsides.
Simon Calvert, of the Christian Institute, said the proposed EU directive would 'open a Pandora's box'.
He asked: 'What about Gideon Bibles in hotel bedrooms? Would councils ban nativity scenes from Christmas displays?'
A spokeswoman for the Government Equalities Office, which is responsible for the EU directive, said it was felt that existing UK law was 'adequate'.

Anonymous said...

Local Organizations Say Feminist Group's Statement Is Damaging

Groups including the Network of Religious Communities, Western New York Peace Center and the Erie County Coalition Against Family Violence say a statement by the New York president of the National Organization For Women is damaging to women and to Muslims.
Shortly after Orchard Park resident Aasiya Zuair Hassan was beheaded in February, NOW released a statement that criticized the media for its lack of covering the Muslim connection to the murder. Her husband is charged in the crime.
An excerpt of the statement reads:
"This was, apparently, a terroristic version of 'honor killing,' a murder rooted in cultural notions about women's subordination to men. Are we now so respectful of the Muslim's religion that we soft-peddle atrocities committed in it's name?"
But Elea Mihou from WNY Peace Center says this statement might make women feel that suffering in a violent relationship is partly their fault.
"To associate something that's going to happen to 1,300 women this year in this country with one religion not only does a disservice to her faith, but it also does a disservice to women who suffer abuse at the hands of men of many faiths and no faith," Mihou says.
The Network of Religious Communities is calling upon people to focus attention on domestic violence, rather than Islam.
"We must all unite in condemning anyone, of any faith or culture, who harms the innocent and recognize that the causes of domestic violence are not limited to any religion or culture," writes the Network of Religious Communities Board of Governors.
Still, Marcia Pappas, the president of NOW in New York, says she stands by her statement. She also says Muslim women have sent her messages of appreciation, thanking her for bringing this subject to light.

F*CK iSLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damien said...


You Wrote,
Groups including the Network of Religious Communities, Western New York Peace Center and the Erie County Coalition Against Family Violence say a statement by the New York president of the National Organization For Women is damaging to women and to Muslims.
Shortly after Orchard Park resident Aasiya Zuair Hassan was beheaded in February, NOW released a statement that criticized the media for its lack of covering the Muslim connection to the murder. Her husband is charged in the crime.

An excerpt of the statement reads:
"This was, apparently, a terroristic version of 'honor killing,' a murder rooted in cultural notions about women's subordination to men. Are we now so respectful of the Muslim's religion that we soft-peddle atrocities committed in it's name?"

Good, I don't always agree with NOW, but at least this time they are doing the right thing and standing up for women's rights against Jihadists. We need all the help we can get.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. OK - can we agree - never, never, never, never, never submit or accommodate anything remotely like sharia law.

The Brits quoted above all have organic brain disorder, senility or mad cow disease, obviously, and should be kindly dealt with - but not listened to, under any circumstances.

And by the way - note to Islamists, Jihadists, Talibanists, Whateverists - do not touch my Christianity, my clothes, my body, my kid, my husband, my livelihood, my expression rights, my LIFE, YOU SICK SATANIC FREAKS.


I will DIE before I submit. And I will take a lot of you with me.

There will be blood. Yours.

Are we clear?



Ray Boyd said...

The only scenario for a military coup in Britain would not to impose Islam but to bring down a democratically elected sharia government.

The numbers of muslims in the armed forces are small. The miltary establishment is predominately white and culturaly british. The young men currently fighting in Afghanistan together with the command structure would NEVER ever turn against us.

The only likely scenario from the choudary fantasist would be a jihadist type insurgency as in Iraq. In that case the forces of law and order would be employed against them. Just see how the police armed response units swoop down on fancy dress party groups with toy guns.

There would also be no support from the population as in Iraq.

Ray Boyd said...

Compare the jihadist insurgency scenario in the UK to a similar situation in the US.

Pasto says:

"It's enraging. Obviously, the Brits could do something about it, but they choose not to. Lord knows why. Do they hate themselves?"

I'll tell you what; I would be a lot more worried about the US choosing not to deal with over 30 Jihadist training camps right there in the US. They are using school buses as target practice for fox sake. What does that say to you?

At least in the UK we haven't got to that yet and as we have strict firearms control any suggestion of that would meet with swift armed response. Of course it's a double edged sword because if the Jihadists return from Afghanistan they will at least be trained.I am sure they already have arms caches and we civilians will not be able to defend ourselves.

As for the muslims fighting our troops already the only answer is to kill them in Afghanistan - just make sure they never return. let's hope Obama's surge will do the trick.

Epaminondas said...

Henry II:
"Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"