Monday, March 09, 2009

Can the Saudi sadists get any worse?

Just when you thought the Religion of Peace™ couldn’t get any worse, along comes news that the Saudis are going to lash a 75-year-old woman 40 times for having a couple of men in the same house.

Are we likely to hear Muslim “leaders” here in the West denounce this barbarity by men who clearly have no moral compass at all, these excuses for human beings who think it is somehow right to inflict brutal sentences on anyone, let alone an old woman?

See full story on my regular blog here.


Pastorius said...

If your job is to be the lasher, how do you do it? What could make a man follow through on such an insane idea?

Epaminondas said...

"how do you do it"

god wills it. Your will is to SUBMIT. Therefore conscience never enters into it.

That's the attraction of the left to Islam.. the dialectic.

Conscience is an luxury artifact of the bourgeoisie. It is an affectation that the individual conscience is important compaired to the will of the masses, or of god.

Anonymous said...

and it is what all the "ism"s seek to crush, individual freedom, conscience, and the judeo christian outlook that thier should be compasion and empathy in the equation of life.